Welcome to our Partnerships in Focus Hub! Here you can find out about all existing activities, funding and partnership opportunities promoted within the Skillnet Project – The Partnerships in Focus bulletins.
SKILLNET is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union which aims at improving the framework of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems to effectively address current societal and economic needs. In doing so, the project attaches core importance to the establishment of transnational and cross-sectoral partnerships promoting the share of knowledge and experiences, as well as joint actions among experts from different regions/countries and fields.
Among its core lines of intervention, SKILLNET has launched a series of 18 webinars on EU funding opportunities to serve as a network for the exchange of knowledge, practices, opportunities, and to create connections among relevant experts to be applied for future partnerships within EU calls. Each webinar is open to all interested parties and focuses on different areas of intervention upon which relevant partnerships can be launched. The topic of each webinar is connected to AER Action Plan and the priorities identified by the members of Committee 1 for Economic & Regional Development and Committee 3 for Youth, Culture & Education.
As a follow-up of each SKILLNET webinar, a Partnerships in Focus bulletin is circulated and stored in this hub. The Partnership in Focus series presents the main information shared during the webinar, the area of intervention, and possible scopes and actors for relevant partnerships.
Have a look at all the Partnerships in Focus bulletins published so far (below) and contact AER team to start establishing partnerships on the field(s) that meet your priorities and expertise!
- Birgit Sandu, European Projects Manager [email protected]
- Johanna Pacevicius, Policy and Knowledge Sharing Coordinator, j.pacevicius@aer
- Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on future events, learning and partnerships opportunities
Partnership in focus n18: CAPACITY BUILDING IN HIGHER EDUCATION II – A European Strategy for Universities
What is the higher education sector is key for finding solutions toward a sustainable and more digital Europe? Find out in this article!
Partnership in focus n17: EDUPRENEURSHIP – Fostering Entrepreneurship in Education and Training
Discover good practices from Europe and funding opportunities in the field of Edupreneurship
Partnership in focus n16: Making TVET more attractive for Women!
Discover actions, tools, and effective regional programmes to make TVET programmes inclusive for women!
Partnership in Focus n15: EU Policy and Funding Framework for Social Inclusion in TVET and Skills Development
Do you want to foster social inclusion in TVET? Learn about relevant EU calls for grants and upcoming international events!
Partnership in Focus n14: Technical Vocational Education & Civic Participation
Read the article to discover EU opportunities for multi-stakeholders partnerships, and civic participation TVET!
Partnership in Focus n13: Skills for Effective Innovation Ecosystems
Learn about how to foster effective innovation ecosystems through skills development and access current open EU funding opportunities under Erasmus+, Creative Europe, COSME, and Horizon!
Partnership in Focus n12: Innovative Skills for Place-based Rural Development
Learn more about how to deliver place-based policies for rural development by boosting new skills and curricula and discover available EU funding opportunities and initiatives!
Partnership in Focus n11: Digital Transformation & Skills in the Agri-Food Sector
Read about existing European and regional practices to improve the digital and technological competences in the agri-food sector and learn about available EU funding opportunities and initiatives!
Partnership in focus n10: Vocational Training in Times of Lockdown and Pandemic
International experts and stakeholders shared knowledge and concrete examples of how regional authorities and educational institutions are coping with the new challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Partnership in Focus n9: Building a better future – Generating enthusiasm for Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Experts and regional policymakers presented regional policies and practices aimed at making young people more aware of the opportunities related to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
Partnerships in Focus n8: New mobility services – qualification profiles and skill needs
Experts working in the new mobility services sector exchanged examples of how emerging skill needs and professional profiles are being integrated into this growing sector by regions and private stakeholders and presented EU funding opportunities for this area.
Partnerships in Focus n7: Building Circular Economy through Circular Skills – Regions and Universities leading the Change
Regional policymakers and international VET experts shared concrete examples of how regional authorities and educational institutions are building the skills needed in a circular economy and addressed EU funding opportunities supporting the transition towards the circular economy.
Partnerships in Focus n6: Lifelong Learning – Upskilling and Reskilling of 50+
Experts shared expertise and practices to address the need for reskilling and upskilling individuals aged 50+, as well as provided insights on funding opportunities and EU programmes supporting life-long learning.
Partnerships in Focus n5: How to get involved in the Youth Policies of the Future with Skillman!
International experts gathered online to discuss youth policies, projects and programmes’ opportunities available to them, and to launch the Youth Policies Platform as a space to jointly elaborate on future actions in the field.
Partnerships in Focus n4: The implementation of innovative TVET policies through transnational cooperation
Policy-makers and stakeholders met online to launch a dialogue on effective actions and reforms to improve and renovate the education and training fields.
Partnerships in Focus n3: Knowledge Alliances in the Maritime Sector
International experts and stakeholders met online to exchange and develop synergies on EU projects focused on the maritime sector from various perspectives – sustainability, novel materials, ICT integration, and upskilling.
Partnerships in Focus n2: Skills and Education Guarantee Pilot
The European Investment Fund presented financing initiatives run by organisations on behalf of the European Commission to stimulate investments in education, training and skills.
Partnerships in Focus n1: Capacity building in Higher Education
International experts met online to share practices and create partnerships on topics related to capacity building projects in higher education.

OUT NOW: AER Booklet on “Unboxing the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027”

Making TVET more attractive for Women!

Social Inclusion in TVET and Skills Development

Technical Vocational Education & Training and Civic Participation

Public consultation on Education for Environmental Sustainability

Skills for Effective Innovation Ecosystems

REGISTRATION OPEN: Social Inclusion in TVET and Skill Development – Leaving No-one Behind

Why Innovative Skills are the Catalyst for Rural Areas

REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Improving the attractiveness of TVET for women

Digital Transformation & Skills in the Agri-food Sector

Register Now – Technical Vocational Education & Training and Civic Participation

Registrations are open! Creating Effective Innovation Ecosystems

A peer review service tailor-made for regions

Have an Innovative Learning Practice? Share it at ‘Learning in the Age of Industry 4.0’ Conference!

Registrations open! Innovation and Farming: Applications of Advanced Manufacturing in the Food Value Chain

Registrations open! Ambitious Skills and Innovation Strategies: A territorial approach

Building a better future: Generating enthusiasm for Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Vocational Training in Times of Lockdown and Pandemic

Building the Circular Economy through Circular Skills: Regions and Universities leading the Change

New mobility services: qualification profiles and skill needs

Skills, motivation, success: 2 webinars announced!

Defining the new skills for an inclusive future at the Skillman International Forum 2020

Join the webinar on “New mobility services: Anticipating skills and job roles”

Join the Webinar ‘Circular Economy: Opportunities and Needs in the Labour Market’

Shape the Vocational Education Training scene in Europe!

Join us at the Skillman International Forum

SKILLNET Webinars: Call for Proposals I

Lifelong learning: Practices and Opportunities

SKILLNET Opportunities I: Webinars on EU Funding Opportunities