The Assembly of European Regions is glad to contribute to Skillman International Forum by hosting the webinar “New mobility services: Anticipating skills and job roles”, organised within the Skillnet project co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme. The webinar will take place online on the 11th of December, 11:15 – 12:15 CET.
The event is part of the Skillnet series of 18 webinars designed to bring together experts in different fields linked to vocational education and training (VET), with the purpose of establishing relevant groups of collaboration and partnerships for future EU project proposals.
The webinar will highlight regional examples on the integration of new mobility services and the development of skills and job roles needed in the sector.
New mobility services are offering solutions to today’s growing challenges in terms of congestion, lack of space, growing population, air quality, noise, social inclusion, health, economic development, and the creation of jobs. These solutions require skilled and adaptable individuals who are able to drive and support change. However, there is a growing skills shortage in the mobility services sector which could seriously delay the development of the services and hurt customers’ expectations.
Thus it is required to look into new skills for the future workforce but also opportunities realized through reskilling the workforce. In that context, the webinar aims to bridge the gap between the skills and job roles needed for the new mobility services sector and the workforce.
To this end, the event aims to:
- Highlight the relevance of EU funding opportunities and European cooperation in bridging the skills’ gap in the new mobility services sector
- Share good practices about how regions and local companies can foster the relevant skills in the population
- Boost a network of cross-sectoral experts interested in the new mobility services that can be applied for future EU funding opportunities.
Important: How to join the webinar?
Only one registration is given for all the events within the Skillman International Forum (SIF). Hence, to join the event, you have to register to Skillman International Forum and participants will be re-directed from the plenary (main room) to the various sessions in the course the event through break-out rooms.
If you cannot attend the whole SIF, you may access the event at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the webinar “New Mobility Services: Anticipating Skills and Job Roles” (starting time: 11:15 am) so that you can be re-directed to the session.
After registration, you will receive the email with the list of separate sessions among which you have to choose 23 AER – PAVILLION d2.

This webinar is organised as part of the SKILLNET series of webinar on EU funding opportunities. SKILLNET is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission aiming to strengthen the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system’s role and capacity to design high-quality VET programmes tailored to current societal needs through enhanced transnational and cross-sectoral partnerships.