The Executive Board manages the coordination of all AER activities and charges the Secretary General to implement its decisions. Between assemblies, it is the highest authority of AER.
The President(s) of the AER Programmes are adjunct of the Board on a strictly personal basis, reporting on the activities of their respective body.
By delegation, the Executive Board is authorised to meet and to make decisions in accordance with the association’s statutory objectives or useful to its smooth running. Decisions made in this way are submitted to the General Assembly.
Albert Castellanos Maduell President Region: Catalonia (ES) Seconded Officer: Elena Herrero Pérez | |
Christian Debève Vice President – Treasurer Region: Grand Est (FR) Seconded Officer: Jean-Baptiste Cuzin | |
David Batsikadze Vice President for Science Region: Ajara (GE) Seconded Officer(s): Indira Khozrevanidze, Lolita Dolidze | |
Nina Björby Vice President for Democracy, Governance & Values Region: Västerbotten (SE) Seconded Officer: Kurt-Åke Hammarstedt | |
Nicola Campitelli Vice President for Innovation, Urban and Territorial Planning Region: Abruzzo (IT) Seconded Officer: Leo Grassi | |
Linda Helén Haukland Vice President for Employment, Education and Skills Region: Nordland (NO) Seconded Officer: Åshild Opøyen | |
Lilijana Madjar Vice President for Public Services, Digitalisation & Cohesion Region: Zahodna Slovenija (SI) Seconded Officer: Nataša Rojšek | |
Lukas Mandl Vice President for European Integration & Wider Europe Region: Lower Austria (AT) Seconded Officer: Caroline Parsché | |
Sergii Miliutin Vice President for the Local Dimension and Ukraine Recovery Region: Kryvyi Rih (UA) Seconded Officer: Polina Myroshnychenko | |
Gerry Murray Vice President for Social Policy and Rural Opportunities Region: Mayo County Council (IE) Seconded Officer: to be appointed | |
Mícheál Ó hÉanaigh Vice President for Youth, Culture & Tourism Region: Donegal County Council (IE) Seconded Officer: Anne Marie Conlon | |
Johannes Sundelin Vice President for Sustainability, Green Transition and Health Region: Norrbotten (SE) Seconded Officer: Per Erik Andersson | |
Jean-Luc Vanraes Vice President for Interregional & Global Cooperation Region: Brussels-Capital (BE) Seconded Officer: Karima Zahi | |
Esther Estany AER Eurodyssey President Region: Catalonia (ES) Seconded Officer: Adriana Andrés Comas AER Eurodyssey website | |
Kari Anne Bøkestad Andreassen AER Summer Academy President Region: Nordland (NO) Seconded Officer: Åshild Opøyen | |
Norbert Nagy AER Youth Regional Network (YRN) President Region: Sălaj (RO) | |
Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli AER Honorary President Region: Istanbul (TR) AER President 2013-2017 | |
Magnus Berntsson AER Honorary President Region: Västra Götaland (SE) AER President 2017-2023 |