Following the successful training sessions organised by the Assembly of the European Regions on “Unboxing the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027”, the content presented on direct and indirect EU funds as well as EU tools to foster the administrative capacity building of beneficiaries is summarised in a user-friendly booklet, aimed at guiding regions and their stakeholders in getting oriented throughout the resources available and how to access them.
The training sessions – structured in a series of three webinars on “Cohesion and Rural Development Funds (Session I), “Accessing Direct Funding Programmes” (Session II), “Making EU funds working for your region” (Session III) – were attended by more than 300 participants representing mainly regional authorities and regional stakeholders and they will receive for their participation the Europass Certification aimed to certify their building of knowledge and competences in terms of the different EU funding programmes and tools for the 2021-27 period.
As a follow-up to the training webinars, the Booklet contains an overview of the cohesion policy and rural development funds as well as a pitch of the main EU programmes such as Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, Digital Europe, LIFE, AMIF, Single Market Programme, EU4Health, Justice Rights and Values Fund, Connecting Europe Facilities. Additionally, a specific section is dedicated to EU tools and training for administrative capacity building made available by the European Commission to help civil servants and stakeholders to increase their skills in topics such as administrative capacity, mutual learning and exchange of practices, prevention of mismanagement, fraud and corruption.
Both initiatives have been organised by the AER in the context of the Skillnet project and are designed in a way to make the outcomes sustainable after the end of the project on 30 April 2022, considering their relevance for beneficiaries within the programming period 2021-2027. Indeed, both the Booklet and the presentations shared by the experts from the European Commission will continue to be available on the AER website.
Contact person: Agnese Pantaloni, AER European Projects Coordinator.