On 13 July 2020, Mr Magnus Berntsson joined the Local and Regional Government Forum (LRGF) organised within the framework of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum. The AER President had the pleasure to represent the constituency of Local and Regional Governments of the Global Taskforce and speak on behalf of those who could not make their voice heard on such an … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Webinar: implementing innovative TVET policies
You are all invited to attend the webinar organised by Skillman Network on the implementation of innovative technical, vocational education and training (TVET) policies through transnational cooperation. Mr Hrvoje Kovač, Chair of the Sub-Committee on Youth in the AER Committee for Culture, Education and Youth and Deputy Mayor of the Town of Lepoglava in Varaždin County (HR), … [Read more...]
AER and Intercultural Regions Network meet with Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson
On 10 July, the AER President, Magnus Berntsson, and the Chairs of the Intercultural Regions Network (IRN), Oriol Amorós, Secretary of Equity, Migrations and Citizenship of the Government of Catalonia, Conny Brännberg, Regional Minister of Culture of Region Västra Götaland, and Fereshteh Jalayer Hess, County Councillor from Region Värmland, joined by Irena Guidikova, Head of … [Read more...]
Activity Report ’20: “Achieving Agenda 2030”
The Assembly of European Regions is proud to present its annual Activity Report 2019 - 2020. This theme of this year's report is "Achieving Agenda 2030", an expression of AER's commitment to supporting its member regions in localising and delivering upon the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the Member States of the United Nations by resolution A/RES/70/1 of the … [Read more...]
European Youth Together: Denizli (TR) is eager to join projects
Are you planning to apply to the Erasmus + open call European Youth Together? Are you still looking for partners? Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and Denizli City Council Youth Assembly could be what you are looking for. Denizli City Council Youth Assembly: the partner you were looking for? The Denizli City Council Youth Assembly is keen to get … [Read more...]
The intercultural approach: a key for better service provision
Regional and local authorities are at the forefront when it comes to addressing integration needs in practice. The Covid-19 pandemic has strongly tested the current systems in place, revealing tremendous needs of authorities but also the resourcefulness which exists at local and regional levels. This shows how essential it is to create opportunities for structured and … [Read more...]
AER Meeting European Commissioner Johannes Hahn
The AER President, Magnus Berntsson, met virtually today with Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration to discuss the Commission’s proposal for the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and recovery plan. Magnus Berntsson emphasized the importance of an ambitious long-term EU budget that secures a more sustainable, prosperous and inclusive … [Read more...]
Eurodyssey is back!
After 3 months suspension, the members of the Eurodyssey Steering Committee adopted last Friday by consensus resolution 03/07/2020 to reactivate the programme and to set out the new conditions to adapt the programme to the "new normal". Resolution 03/07/2020 The Eurodyssey Steering Committee encourages those member regions where the sanitary situation is stable to resume … [Read more...]
Job Vacancy: Secretary General
Founded in 1985, the Assembly of European Regions is the largest independent network of regions in wider Europe, bringing together regions from 30 countries – from Norway to Turkey and from Russia to Portugal. AER is present everywhere on the European continent, inside and outside the European Union. It is the political voice of its members, as well as a forum for … [Read more...]
Localising Agenda 2030: how regions can help meet the SDGs
Last week, on 24 June, the online conference ‘Localising Agenda 2030: how regions can help meet the SDGs’ took place from 14:30 until 16:00 pm. This event, the first of a series of events focusing on SDGs leading up to our final conference taking place in Strasbourg in June 2021, aimed to emphasise the importance of local actions in achieving the Sustainable Development … [Read more...]
Together4Cohesion strengthens Children’s Thinking on Climate Change: Drawing Exhibition and Award Ceremony in Csongrád County
We may think that children are not yet mature enough to have a say in major political debates but, as shown by the “Fridays For Future” strikes all over the world, this is not the case - especially when it comes to climate change and the future of our planet. Their thoughts are clear, their demands are spoken laud, and it is important that their voices are heard and … [Read more...]
Enrol in the 2nd Youth International Conference in Sweden!
Do you want to actively engage in the next global changes? Are you 18-24 years old? Do you want to raise your voice and be heard? Then you should definitely participate in the next Think Thank in Gothenburg on November 16–19, 2020! What is it about? The overall goal of the conference is to stand up for a democratic and open society and to counterbalance the … [Read more...]
COVID-19: What is at stake for youth development?
Undeniably, youth play a crucial role in the action plans to limit the spread of the COVID-19 and its adverse impact on public health, society and the economy at large. Young people are also among the most vulnerable groups who suffer from the pernicious consequences derived from this crisis. Labour turmoils The pandemic is admittedly making young people the main victims … [Read more...]
Second Csongrád County Mayor’s Professional Forum
You may remember the highly successful first Professional Forum held in December 2019. Here comes the second! On 30 June 2020, the County Government of Csongrád-Csanád will hold the second Csongrád County Mayor's Professional Forum. Together4Cohesion is approaching its final stop on the route to raise awareness of European cohesion policy and its benefits for the regions … [Read more...]
AER Regions taking part in Regiostars Awards 2020
Did you know that some of AER’s member regions are taking part in the Regiostars Awards this year? These awards go to EU-funded projects which demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. These projects are made to inspire other regions and project managers across Europe. Five categories are on the list for the competition and a public choice … [Read more...]
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