On the occasion of the Committees’ plenaries in Örebro, AER members identified the topics which matter most for them and on which they want to develop joint actions
Committee for Economy & Regional Policy
The planned actions in the AER Committee on Economy and Regional Policy can be summed up as follows:
Innovation & SMEs :
-sharing experiences & mutual learning on simplification of legislation
-exchange of experiences on attraction & retention of workforce
Rural development
-exchange of experiences on waste management in rural areas
-initiating collective action for the protection of Romanian forests
-develop a project for good practice exchange on farming practices
-sharing experiences on investments & financing of infrastructure in rural areas
-develop a project together with the Committee on Social Policy & Public Health on e-health in rural areas
Energy & climate change
-exchange of good practices on small hydropower plants
-exchange of experience on multistakeholder engagement around the topic of energy, partnerships, and advocacy towards different levels of governance
-sharing good practices around gas exploitation: environmental & economic impact on national tourism strategy on Norway in Sweden in particular
-Breakfast briefing on competition
Transports & mobility
-exchange of good practices and engage a shared reflexion on how to achieve zero emission
Committee for Social Policy& Public Health
The planned actions in the AER Committee for Social Policy & Public Health can be summed up as follows:
Social inclusion
-exchange experiences and identify solutions around the issue of isolated elderly people in rural areas
-share information on the inclusion of children with disabilities in school
-exchange experiences around the care and wellbeing of children whose parents have moved abroad for work (specifically in Romania)
-identify good practices for the support of young orphans who are 18 and are no longer supported by institutions
Health innovation
-compile achievements of the AER e-health network in the past 13 years
-mapping of e-health systems and integrated care in Europe via the Scirocco Exchange project
-develop a project together with the Committee on Economy & Regional Development on e-health in rural areas
Committee for Culture, Education & Youth
The planned actions in the AER Committee on Culture, Education,
-mutual learning around culture for all and how to, in particular, reach out to young people
-mutual learning on culture &
-share knowledge, experiences
-exchange around the issue of governments investing in education and “losing” their qualified workforce and identify elements of resilience or compensation for territories which “lose” qualified workforce
-exchange experiences on lifelong learning for 50+ people in order to improve wellbeing and employability
-share experiences on early school leaving and the issue of young people who are not in education and not in employment. In
-Organise a workshop, potentially at the Eurodyssey Forum, on the Eurodyssey programme to increase the number of applicants for the first youth mobility programme in Europe
The AER Action Plan & planning cycle
The AER Committees’ work programmes are developed at the Spring plenaries each year and are then consolidated into the AER Action Plan, which is adopted at the General Assembly.
The AER Action Plan brings together all the activities carried out within and via the AER network, be they large or small, including the Committees’ work programmes. The Action Plan is constantly updated during the year. It is the Executive Board, which approves actions to be added to the AER Action Plan, in order to ensure alignment with values and priorities.