Co-hosted by Donegal County Council and Údarás na Gaeltachta at the Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Campus in Letterkenny, and the Gteic Gaoth Dobhair, “The AER Summer Academy—a Europe for the Next Generation” will bring together more than 100 politicians, youth delegates and civil society activists from across Europe for a week of debate on how to shape a more … [Read more...]
How To Foster An Intercultural Approach To Education & Training- Highlights From Includ-EU Webinar
On 24 May 2022, AER organised, within the framework of the Includ-EU project and in cooperation with IOM (International Organisation for Migration), the 5th and last webinar on the series that looked into the 4 areas tackled by the Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027), namely Education and Training, Employment, Access to Health, and adequate and … [Read more...]
Wrapping Up The Skillnet Project And Defining The Future Of The TVET Alliance
Creating new learning, training and job opportunities for everyone across Europe will be crucial to recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and building more sustainable, fair and resilient communities as we transition to a digital and green economy and society. The TVET Alliance summit, organized in the context of the Skillnet Project … [Read more...]
DG REGIO Opportunities: Fund Your Regional Innovative Practice On Citizens’ Participation in Cohesion Policy
EU Commission DG REGIO is seeking proposals by public authorities and civil society organizations, interested to strengthen citizen participation in cohesion policy through collaborative innovative solutions. With the experience of Together4Cohesion, AER turned into an active player in the fostering of more participation of citizens and stakeholders in Cohesion … [Read more...]
“Making Culture a Strategic Resource for Europe and its Regions”
There is a great risk in neglecting culture as part of recovery policies. Culture is not a luxury for the few, it contributes to collective wellbeing and human values, as well as to generate jobs and growth. The unprecedented outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic hit hard the cultural and creative sector, affecting millions of jobs, in a sector that contributes to 4.2 % of the EU … [Read more...]
How will an Intercultural Approach to Migrant Integration help Europe’s Regions- The EU-BELONG Project takes off!
On 23-24 February, the Assembly of European Regions, together with 14 partners from 8 countries, kicked off EU-Belong, an ambitious project selected among 300 proposals, of which only 10% were approved by DG Home in its 2020 AMIF call: transnational actions on asylum, migration and integration. We are proud of this great achievement and conscious of the great responsibility … [Read more...]
The Includ-EU Project Launches Its Own Newsletter!
Stay up-to-date with innovative practices on migrants inclusion in Europe, from access to housing, health care and education, by subscribing to the Includ-EU quarterly bulletin! We are glad to share with you the first issue of the Includ-EU newsletter, a project of which we are partners and promoters. Includ-EU aims to contribute to building more inclusive and … [Read more...]
The New Guide on EU Funding for Tourism is Out!
Is Tourism, - be it cultural, rural, sustainable, or all of the above - on your region’s list of priorities? If the answer is yes, then this brief article may be the starting point for a great journey, destination EU projects funding opportunities! The online guide recently published by DG Grow (Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs) highlights the wide range … [Read more...]
Includ-EU and the Agenda 2030- Two Days of Exchange at the Heart of Europe
On 28-29 October, the INCLUD-EU Project held its Second Regional Workshop in a series of 5 thematic sessions facilitating knowledge sharing and discussing the design of Includ-EU pilot projects, as well as other integration policies and projects carried out across Europe. The Workshop happened in a hybrid format within the framework of the Agenda 2030 Conference, which … [Read more...]
PRESS RELEASE: Innovating Cultural Heritage, a Workshop by AER and CUBES
Cultural heritage has an inspiring and creative role in present European societies and communities. It has a positive impact on social cohesion as well as regional development and sustainable tourism. In the context of cultural heritage, innovation has a key role to play in the field of technology, social impact, policymaking, administration, and entrepreneurship. The … [Read more...]
AER is piloting the CUBES Platform: An E-tool for Cultural Administration and Management
Within the CUBES Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, AER has had the great opportunity to work and gain knowledge around the preservation and innovation of Cultural Heritage and resources.After intense months of work, we are excited to announce that AER together with 8 cultural and educational organisations across Europe, has created a free … [Read more...]
Not Just Another Workshop: Looking Back at the Includ-EU First Regional Peer-2-Peer Learning
The project in a nutshell: The Includ-EU Project is funded by the European Union's AMIF- Asylum Migration and Integration Fund Programme and aims at enhancing regional and local expertise with engagement of social cohesion in Europe. In this workshop, we brought together representatives from all the different countries involved in the project: Italy, Greece, Spain, Romania, … [Read more...]
AER scales up its Project Unit! What’s in it for our Member Regions? Our Services at a Glance
You might have noticed that in the past months, despite the ongoing restrictions, your mailbox was still actively populated by AER project’s activities updates, invitation to workshops and webinars organised within the framework of some EU co-funded project with and for our members. This is because we haven’t stopped! On the contrary, the Project Unit from the AER … [Read more...]
Rethinking Inclusive Societies in Light of Crises
"Migrants are ‘us', not ‘them'. Everyone has a role to play in making sure our societies are cohesive and prosperous.” Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson Within the Includ-EU Project, AER continues its long-standing commitment to making the voice of its member regions heard, in both matters of migration and asylum and … [Read more...]