The Assembly of European Regions is always very proud to share information about the success stories in its member regions. Today, we would like to highlight a project from Guadeloupe (FR) called Youth Women Win.
Why ?
Worldwide, including Europe, young women are the first affected by unemployment, with an average rate of 52%. Youth Women Win aims to give to the vulnerable young women the means to create their employment and to access to real economic independence.
Youth Women Win goals are:
- STRENGTH the support for vulnerable young women towards entrepreneurship,
- PROMOTE the inclusion of the gender dimension in the entrepreneurial culture,
- EXCHANGE good practices for entrepreneurship, transfer of innovative methodological tools and networking.
“Youth Women Win” is an innovative project that bring together partners of island from the ACP-EU region – Guadeloupe , France, Madagascar – and mainland regions such as Belgium.
“Youth Women Win” offers to the professionals who coach young women towards entrepreneurship, support and tools taking into account the gender dimension:
- A Guide to Good Practices on awareness raising and coaching
- A briefcase of tools on the support of young women entrepreneurship
- A web information and exchange platform provides professionals and young women a range of tools and methodological guidance to develop young women’s leadership.
- Arrimage Good’iles, Guadeloupe – coordinator
- C for C NGO, Madagascar
- Groupe one – Belgium
The final Conference will be held in Brussels during the month of December 2016.
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