We are a network
Multiple times per year, AER brings together regions, so that they may stand stronger together, and grow in a space of best practice exchange.
Mobility as a Service: low carbon mobility & improved accessibility
For the 2021-2027 programming period, digital transformation is in focus and the European Commission has recently launched the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. The Chair of the AER Working Group on Transport & Mobility, Martin Tollén from Region Östergötland (SE) is pleased to invite AER members and partners to a webinar focusing on Mobility as […]
REGISTER NOW! – Back to Our Future – Regions leading Europe’s Green Recovery
Date: 9 June Time: 10:00 – 11:30 CEST ***UPDATE *** We are delighted to announce we will be joined by Dominique Riquet, Member of the European Parliament and Rapporteur on the Opinion of the Committee on Transport and Tourism on the Just Transition Fund. The COVID-19 crisis brought the world to a standstill in 2020. City […]
Last Chance to Register: Unboxing the Multiannual Financial Framework – Cohesion & Rural Development Funds
Date: 26 May Time: 10:30 - 12:30 CEST On 17 December 2020, after months of painstaking inter-institutional negotiations against the backdrop of a global pandemic, the European Union adopted the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), its long-term budget for 2021-2027. Together with the NextGenerationEU recovery instrument, the MFF represents an unprecedented €1.8 trillion of funding to support […]
BRIGHT IDEAS – The Role of Regions in Improving Energy Efficiency
Eva Hallström, Chair of the AER Working Group on Energy and Climate Change invites all AER members and friends to join an event on the role of regions in improving energy efficiency. Regions will share their experience, challenges, and enablers. This event is co-organised by Värmland (SE) and Viken (NO) Energy Efficiency: how to achieve […]
Last chance to Register! – AER Bureau Debate: The Future of Democracy in the Hands of Regions
ZoomDate: 12 May Time: 16:00 - 18:00 CEST Rising populism, widespread misinformation, and a loss of trust in governments and institutions. Add a global pandemic to that list of ailments, and it's clear that democracy in Europe is not in the best shape. But what is the best course of treatment to restore Europe's democratic […]
Cluny Training Seminar: Local democracy & European citizenship
OnlineHow to build a European grassroots democracy? Is the European Union irremediably riddled with the distrust of citizens and the rise of Euroscepticism? Although quite common, this dire depiction is neither accurate nor a fatality. And what if a reinvigoration of the European project could come from the local level? This seminar aims to discuss […]
Multi-stakeholder Approaches for Innovative Societies
OnlineWe are pleased to invite you to two webinars examining the ways in which multi-stakeholder approaches help build more innovative societies. To build innovative and creative societies, it is necessary to work both at a system level to improve innovation ecosystems and at an individual level to encourage young people from diverse backgrounds to participate […]
Territorial approaches to innovation: spotlight on rural areas
OnlineWe are pleased to invite you to two webinars that will look at the need for territorial approaches to innovation, based on strong rural-urban links and ambitious and forward-looking skills strategies What are the main challenges and opportunities for European regions and rural areas in particular when it comes to fostering innovation? These two […]
Advocacy Training for Young European Activists – Europe is what you make of it!
OnlineThe Assembly of European Regions, in partnership with JEF, is organising a training seminar on advocacy that will offer 30 young Europeans the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of the European Institutions and the Youth Strategy, as wells as develop advocacy plans to promote their rights and priorities among local and regional authorities. The training seminar is being organised […]
National Recovery & Resilience Plans – Working Together in Renewed Partnership with Regions
OnlineDate: 4 March Time: 16:00 - 17:30 CEST In response to the impacts and challenges posed by COVID-19, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council agreed on a Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The RRF will offer support for investments and reforms undertaken by Member States to make their economies and societies more […]
2021 Innovation Show – How Smart is Your Food?
We live in a world where thanks to technology, everything is getting "smarter". Our watches monitor our blood-pressure, our cars can drive themselves, and since the pandemic, the high-rise, multi-story workspaces that dominate our city skylines have been replaced by "virtual" meeting rooms we can carry around in our pockets. But can the food that […]
Intercultural Regions: Active Participation & Social Inclusion
OnlineWe are pleased to invite you to a webinar on how regions can foster active participation & social inclusion of third-country nationals, together with IOM and the Council of Europe When? 16 February 2021 10:00 CETWhere? Gotowebinar Organised in the framework of the Includ-EU project, an EU-funded project which contributes to building more inclusive […]
Enthusiasm in learning and success in times of pandemic
OnlineWe are pleased to invite you to two webinars on tackling early school leaving by improving information, support, and mutual learning How to encourage young people and provide them with adequate support so they remain interested in learning in a global context that is particularly challenging? These two events will provide an opportunity to share […]
Webinar: EU Green Deal – Farm to Fork – The Commitment of Regions to Sustainable Food Policy in the EU
OnlineDate: 16 December Time: 16:00-17:30 CEST Registration: Here Following the success of our first European Green Deal webinar, which covered challenges and opportunities for regions in the time of Covid-19, the AER is delighted to bring you the second in our series: Farm to Fork - The Commitment of Regions to Sustainable Food Policy in […]
New mobility services: Anticipating Skills and Job Roles
OnlineWe are pleased to invite you to the webinar "New mobility services: Anticipating skills and job roles" that aims to bridge the gap between the skills and job roles needed for the new mobility services sector and the workforce. New mobility services are offering solutions to today’s growing challenges in terms of congestion, lack of […]