The AER Working Group on green hydrogen held its kick-off meeting on 13 March 2023 to define priorities and develop activities for the coming months. (All presentations are available on the event webpage)
A place to meet & exchange with peers
The working group aims to be a space for targeted experience sharing, finding resources, and strategic intelligence, as well as developing initiatives and projects. For this to be possible it is essential to get to know each other and hear what the different regions are working on when it comes to green hydrogen. Participants shared insights on their regional priorities, challenges, and ongoing activities.
Priority areas for exchanges
Members of the group discussed what they hoped to find in this group, and what they could share.
Regions chose to collaborate on the following topics:
- The hydrogen value chain: in particular how to involve businesses
- Decarbonisation of transports: transport carriers, trucks and buses
- Decarbonisation of the industry
- Green hydrogen production
- Support to or development of Hydrogen Valleys
Governance and planning of activities
The working group nominated Albert Castellanos, Secretary for Business and Competitiveness of the Government of Catalonia as Chair of the Working Group. He is supported in this work by Albert Ballbé and Elena Herrero Pérez.
The group aims to organise peer learning activities both online and onsite, in particular on the occasion of the AER statutory events such as the General Assembly and the Bureau. In particular, a study visit will be organised to the Port of Barcelona on 28 June on the occasion of the AER General Assembly in Catalonia. Members of the group are also invited to join events organised in the regions by their peers, such as for instance the Europa Forum Wachau from 22-24 June in Lower Austria
Upcoming activities include:
- Study visit on green hydrogen at Port of Barcelona 28/06/2023
- Information sharing on respective hydrogen agendas and milestones
- Invite each other to regional events
- Information on calls for projects and possible collaborations
- targeted peer learning based on specific needs
- coordination for the collaboration with EU-wide initiatives outside the AER
About the AER working group on green hydrogen
The working group on green hydrogen was set up in Autumn 2022, based on a proposal by Catalonia (ES), and supported by 9 other regions. Indeed, to set up a working group a region has to find at least three supporting regions, which will help shape the activities, participate and contribute to the work.
The working group on green hydrogen is currently chaired by Albert Castellanos, Secretary for Business and Competitiveness of the Government of Catalonia, and gathers representatives from Flevoland (NL), Burgenland (AU), Lower Austria (AU), Värmland (SE), Västra-Götaland (SE), Fribourg (CH), Adana (TR), Kosice (SK), Denizli (TR), Valle D’Aosta (IT), Abruzzo (IT), Maramures (RO), Mayo (IE).
It’s possible to join anytime
If you are interested in collaborating with this working group, please fill in this short questionnaire so we know you better and can contact you. Working groups are exclusively for AER members. If you have any questions, you can contact AER Coordinator for Policy & Knowledge Exchange Johanna Pacevicius.
I want to set up a working group on another topic!
An AER working group provides a space for experience and knowledge exchange.
If you’re not yet sure exactly about the activities or the specific focus of the working group you would like to lead, but you know you want to be engaged and lead a working group, contact us!
We’ll schedule a meeting to specify needs. We’ll help you identify the topic and main objective of the working group you’d like to set up and make sure that
- this will indeed create value for you
- there is a match between expectations and resources
We’ll help you to develop a draft proposal on the focus of the Working Group and identify a few potential activities, which you will then be able to share with other AER members.
What kind of topics?
At the AER we like to say that everything is possible!
Topics need to be in line with the Mission and Objectives of the AER, as defined in the AER Statutes
They need to be in line with the basic fundamental principles of the Council of Europe.
Who will be in the working group?
You may already know with which regions you would like to specifically cooperate with, in that case let us know and when needed we can facilitate the connection.
Working groups are open to all AER members. In order to propose a new working group, a core group of 1 leading region and at least 3 supporting regions are needed for the creation of a working group.
If you don’t yet know which regions you’d like to work with, let’s discuss! Together with the AER Secretariat you’ll be able identify peers in other regions who could be interested to work with you.
What kind of activities?
As per the AER Statutes, working groups are responsible for
- Promoting networking and knowledge exchange between AER members on specific issues related to regional development; (8.3a)
- Identifying and disseminating good practices. (8.3.b)
In this context, and depending on what you would like to achieve, activities can include activities to raise awareness on a topic and share existing practices, experience sharing, workshops to identify how to address shared challenges and societal changes, information sessions on funding opportunities, project development workshops…
There are many ways in which the AER offer and synergies with other activities can match your expectations. Contact us!