Is any organisation in your region looking for project partners in the field of green hydrogen?
The Region of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) is looking to join a consortium within Interreg Europe with a project on Green Hydrogen. In particular, the region is interested in launching pilot projects or sharing best practices on decarbonisation of industry and governance of hydrogen valleys.
What they are looking for
The Region of Catalonia, leader in the green transition and emission reduction in Southern Europe, is looking for reliable partners and relevant project ideas to join an Interreg Europe project on 3 topics:
- Decarbonising intensive energy consumer industry, such as ceramics, glass, concrete of steel.
- Use of hydrogen by industrial SMEs in production processes, using fuel cells or burners (100% hydrogen or blended).
- Governance of hydrogen valleys and promotion of collaborative projects.
Hydrogen as priority for decarbonisation and growth
The Region of Catalonia has strong expertise in the field of hydrogen. Its main points of interest include the decarbonisation of transport (trucks, public buses) and highly-polluting businesses (chemical, ceramics, glass, concrete, steel production). In addition, import and export of green hydrogen is considered a priority, as well as the engagement of businesses throughout the entire value chain.
The Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia is a consolidated consortium of public and private actors engaged in a fast transition towards the hydrogen economy. In this framework, the region is in close contact with international partners and is interested in developing projects and exchanging best practices on the governance of hydrogen valleys. Catalonia has chaired the AER’s working group on Green Hydrogen since its establishment in March 2022. The group gathers AER member regions interested in cooperating on the matter.
A well-established experience in international partnerships
The Government of Catalonia as well as its business and academic ecosystems are largely open to international contacts and particularly proactive in European networks and partnerships.
The region is a full member of the Assembly of European Regions and is currently involved in several projects and initiatives on a variety of matters. Transnational partnerships and cooperation are a central priority for Catalonia, which counts on a strong expertise making it a reliable partner in EU-funded projects.
What they offer
An experience- and reciprocity-based cooperation scheme, being
- A reliable and proactive partner with an established history in EU projects.
- Engaged in building on ongoing regional experiences in the field of green hydrogen for the exchange of best practices and the development of successful projects.
- Committed to pursuing a decarbonisation strategy in line with EU objectives of climate neutrality.