Culture as an inclusion strategy
Europe is facing a gigantic mission right now and for the coming years: how to handle the current migration trends? How to include newcomers and their families?
What can AER members do to contribute in the face of this challenge?
During the 2016 Spring plenary meetings in Timis, RO, the seminar “Communication and Actions in Times of Crisis” featured a workshop on the role of culture for the integration of migrants. Members shared many good examples, from Hälsingland and Västerbotten in Sweden, Catalonia in Spain, Timis in Romania and many other regions. Presentations are available on the events webpage.
Bringing together regional experiences
Sharing experiences is instrumental for mutual learning. While the challenge is real, many regions are already deploying inclusion strategies via culture and are seeing results. This is why the Subcommittee on Culture would like to gather inputs on this topic: How is your region handling migration and the intergration of refugees? Help us share more good example of how culture can contribute to a better integration and inclusion in Europe.
A brief description is all that is needed. Send your regional example by the 17th of June to Micaela Löwenhook, Västerbotten (SE)
If you have questions, please give us a call or send an email!
For the AER subcommittee on Culture
Christer Kax Sundberg
Sörmland (SE)
+4670965 85 65
Nina Björby
Västerbotten (SE)
Vice President, leader on Culture & Migration
+4670-627 49 96