Groep maatwerk, the umbrella federation of social enterprises that provide tailored work for people with disabilities in Flanders (Belgium), is looking for European partners for a project on sustainable job creation for people with learning disabilities. They want to exchange successful practices that can give an answer to this challenge and engage stakeholders on different levels: federations, employers, authorities and educational institutions.
They are looking for partners with an experience in the employment of people with learning disabilities, as they want to integrate the knowledge and expertise of complementary partners.
– At least 1 federation of employers that focus on the employment of people with learning disabilities
– At least one 1 employer that demonstrates an evidence-based HR-model on the inclusion of people with disabilities
– 1 authority/agency that (among others) aims to promote participation, integration and equal opportunities for people with learning disabilities in working life
– 1 special education school that allies to the changing employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities
The lead partner would like to hold a first preparatory meeting by skype at the 3rd week of February, therefore if you would like to join this project and/or ask additional information get in touch with the AER Secretariat by 17th February.
The final project will be submitted on 15th March at the latest.