AER would like to disseminate and share with its member regions and partners a project opportunity developed by its partner network ALDA – The European Association of Local Democracy.
The project proposals “INCOME – INnovating COworking Methods through Exchange”, will be submitted in the frame of the ERASMUS + programme, KA 2 strategic partnership in the filed of youth, and aims at creating strategic partnerships based on multi-stakeholder approach, bringing together established co-working spaces, local authorities and associations of workers, entrepreneurs or craftsmen, or other entities with similar functions, which support, and are interested to improve, the existing co-working structures.
The co-working in this project is not meant only as a physical space that workers can share, but a working style, a community that cooperates for the wellbeing of the local citizens, namely the youth. In this sense, the project will seek to reinforce not only the partnerships at European level but also the collaboration at local level between the various stakeholders that can support the co-working method (e.g. business organisations, handicrafts associations, etc.)
The overall aim is facilitating youths’ transition from education to labour market by supporting and enlarging opportunities for youth employment and entrepreneurship.
ALDA is looking for partners willing to join the consortium and being local authorities and public or private entities (NGOs, cooperatives, business organizations, handicraft association…) dealing with co-working eager to work together. In terms of geographical coverage, ALDA intends to have one partner per country, that will be expected to coordinate with the other stakeholders in its local territory. In terms of geographical eligibility, potential partners are invited to check the Erasums+ Programme Guide (pages 22-23-24).
If you are interested to join this project opportunity do not hesitate to contact us before Friday 19th August.