The General Assembly elected on 1 December the members of the Executive Board:
The President
Dr Hande Özsan Bozatli, Istanbul (TR)
The Vice-President Treasurer
Magnus Berntsson, Västra Götaland (SE)
The Vice-President for Equal Opportunities & Inclusion
Ana Tomanova Makanova, Vojvodina (RS)
The Vice-President for Institutional Affairs
Roy Perry, Hampshire (UK)
The full executive board can be found on the following link.
After some months of transition and major change, the new Executive Board is now eager to bring the organisation in a new era of its existence. The active debate and involvement of Bureau members on the issue of the refugee crisis on 2 December and the trustworthy atmosphere at the General Assembly are promising signs for the network to continue its efforts in favour of regional interests.
The Executive Board has agreed to focus on the issue of “revitalising democracy” in 2016. This broad topic will be tackled from various angles including:
- State of Regions: continuing our work on the 2015 report on regionalisation handled by the AER experts
- Societies fighting radicalisation through intergenerational cooperation, youth participation, de-radicalisation, etc.
- Sustainable and innovative regions
- Mobility and migration and the follow-up on the refugee crisis
We look forward to sharing and promoting the contribution of regions on these issues in 2016.