The Basque Government (Sport and Physical Directorate) is looking for partners to take part in a project under Erasmus+ Sport Call (Collaborative Partnerships).
The overall objective of this project is to increase the availability and quality of European sport related evidence and data at regional and national level. The goal is to define and develop a set of shared indicators which will be measured by the participating European regions and member states, and then gathered in a shared web platform.
This project would allow public authorities, private entities and other interested stakeholders to know the state of the art of sports at regional and member state level and to analyze and compare data at regional, member state and European level. Moreover it would help public authorities to develop sport related policies based on high quality objective evidence and data, thus enhancing good governance.
The idea is that this project will serve as a pilot which will then be opened to the participation of all European regions and member states.
The Basque Government, that is leading this project, is searching other region and member state’s public authorities that could join the consortia.
If you are interested in being involved on this project, please come back to us by 2nd March 2018.