An indicative planning for the LIFE call 2016 is now available. Applicants busy designing a potential new LIFE project now have a rough guide to the expected deadlines and submission routes. In addition, the total budget allocations for project types and subprogrammes are detailed. The official 2016 call is provisionally scheduled to be published in the second half of May. Once ready, an application package and supporting information will also be made available.
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value. LIFE programme is structured as follows:
– Sub-programme for Environment: types of interventions on Environment and Resource Efficiency, Nature and Biodiversity, Environment Governance and Information
– Sub-programme for Climate Action: types of interventions on Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change Governance and Information
The LIFE Regulation, which was published on 20 December 2013, sets a budget for the funding period 2014–2020 of €3.4 billion in current prices.
Here below is the indicative planning for the LIFE call 2016, with the indication of the typology of project and budget breakdown.
– Traditional projects (budget €239,000,000):
- Subprogramme Climate – all objectives, deadline 7th September 2016
- Subprogramme Environment – objective Environment and Resource Efficiency: deadline 12th September 2016
- Subprogramme Environment – objectives Nature and Biodiversity, Environmental Governance and Information : deadline 15th September 2016
– Preparatory Projects (budget €1,920,000) – Subprogramme Environment, deadline 20th September 2016
– Technical Assistance Projects (budget €800,000) – Subprogramme Environment, deadline 20th September 2016
– Technical Assistance Projects (budget €160,000) – Subprogramme Climate, deadline 20th September 2016
– Integrated Projects (budget €79,200,000) – Subprogramme Environment, deadline 26th September 2016
– Integrated Projects (budget €16,000,000) – Subprogramme Climate, deadline 26th September 2016
More information are available here.