Cultural heritage continues to be a key topic for many AER member regions. To this extent, we would like to inform you about an interesting project proposal that Umbria region (IT) is preparing on this topic in the framework of the Interreg Europe programme, priority axis 4 “Environment and resource efficiency (Investment priority 6c “Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage”, specific objective 4.1: Improving natural and cultural heritage policies) and make you aware that Umbria is looking for partners to complete the consortia. Therefore, we invite our member regions to take advantage of this valuable opportunity!
Project summary
This project, called Promoting Cultural Heritage through Entrepreneurship Support and Simplification (ProCHESS), aims to improve and promote policies/instruments relevant for any European region facing an inadequate existing cultural heritage exploitation. It will focus on the exchange of experiences and strategies about creation of cultural and creative enterprises with the following subject targeted:
- Promoting qualified skills and competencies in the field of cultural heritage.
- Using international mobility schemes as tool of business creation for cultural and creative industries.
- Provide coaching and managerial support for young entrepreneurs in the field of cultural heritage.
- Reduce administrative and legal burden for young entrepreneurs and startups in the field of cultural heritage.
- Digital Agenda as an asset to assist young entrepreneurs and startups in the field of cultural heritage.
The project will be designed as follows:
- Exchange of best practices between partners
- Divided into five workshops with one specific focus theme each
- Set up a long-term cooperation and partnership between regional partners
- Involve regional stakeholders and key regional decision-makers to ensure the successful implementation of the selected good practices.
The partners searched for ProCHESS are:
- Leader regions (at least 3): Regional managing Authorities/public authorities experienced in some of the themes, assuming that the project will be designed to ensure that these partners can access and import relevant good practices;
- Learner regions (up to 5): Regional managing Authorities/public authorities with specific interest in the project.
If you wish to to join ProCHESS project and/or ask additional information about it, please get in touch with AER Secretariat by the 25th May.