Following the discussion on youth mental health on occasion of the AER Spring Plenaries, AER Secretariat is fully supporting the development of actions on this topic having AER members chosen to create a specific working group aimed at both sharing experiences and defining a joint European project proposal. To this extent, AER Committee 2 on Social Policy & Public Health and Committee 3 on Culture, Education & Youth decided to join forces and use interregional cooperation to improve policies in this field.
To move this decision into actions, we take the opportunity of member regions gathering together at 2017 AER General Assembly to organise a first operational meeting in order to brainstorm on this topic, sharing previous experiences, analysing EU funding opportunities & calls that could finance the development of a project idea and planning next steps.
This meeting will take place within the General Assembly, on 31st May from h 12:00 to h 13:00, and it is structured as follows:
- Catalonia and Norbotten, which are co-leading the working on youth mental health, will share their background on this topic and their ideas on how to move this at interregional level;
- AER Secretariat will present an overview of the main EU funded programmes and initiatives that could support the development of a joint project idea as well as potential experts in this field that we could support us for the content;
- Member regions are welcome to also share their prevision experiences on this topic and objective to improve them;
- Planning of next steps in terms of project development and sharing good practices on this topic;
If you wish to join this meeting (please, remember to bring sandwich/lunch with you!!) and/or to get more information regarding the working group on youth mental health, please contact Johanna Pacevicius – AER Coordinator for Policy & Knowledge Transfer, and Agnese Pantaloni – AER Coordinator for European projects & Private partnerships.
Useful links for background information:
Angels Piédrola, “Youth inclusion & social skills: experiences from Catalonia”