During the AER Autumn Committee Plenaries in Podčetrtek, Slovenia, elections took place to fill a number of vacancies.
The following individuals were successfully elected by the respective committees:
Committee 1
Vice President for Rural Development, Energy & Environment
Mr. Nicola Campitelli, Abruzzo, (IT)
Female Representative for Equal Opportunities
Jessika Ulander, Västernorrland (SE)
Committee 2
Male Representative for Equal Opportunities
Erik Ringnes, Hedmark (NO)
AER congratulates Nicola, Jessika and Erik on their election and looks forward to collaborating and engaging together on a wide range of topics in the near future.
The election committee, chaired by Monica Gundahl (Värmland, SE), is in charge of running the election process and answering any question you may have. Your contact person is Ulla Höglund: [email protected].