4 March 2015, Nordjylland (NO) – Based on the experience of previous events and meetings that were organised in the field of Culture & Health, members were invited to come prepared to this interactive workshop and to make some research on their regions’ projects and activities.
Examples of cultural activities for patients or people with disabilities were introduced by Marta Tatar from Covasna (RO). In particular “Art therapy” has proven to be a successful tool for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities and since 2011 the Occupational and Art Therapy Workshop is an integral part of Therapeutic Employment Integration Centre in Covasna.
Sörmland (SE) considers that cultural experiences can contribute to health and quicker rehabilitation. Therefore, Culture is available on prescription and is now considered as an additional fifth pillar in public health work.
Nordjylland presented a project that was aimed at reducing the use of restraint interventions through the implementation of physical activities in 4 psychiatric intensive care units.
An important output of the workshop is “Culture & Health Handbook on Regional Best Practice” containing all examples presented during the past AER events. Members were invited to send their contributions to the AER Secretariat for the next updated edition.