The Assembly of European Regions (AER) organised its first Summer School ten years ago. This year, at the 10th AER Summer School, we expect a greater number of participants than ever before. We will meet from 28th August to 3rd September 2005 in the city of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The 2005 Summer School will focus upon the theme ‘Regions as the motors for Prosperous and Inclusive Societies’. The main topics for consideration will be the role of the regions in sustainable economic development and the promotion of cultural diversity through regional democracy. “Through a mixture of workshops and plenary sessions, the participants will have the opportunity to express their ideas, share their experiences and initiate new projects with other regions. Moreover, Mostar, historically a town in which people from different cultures have lived side by side, and today a place where a multicultural society is once again being built, provides an excellent venue for us to meet together to examine these issues” underlines Klaus Klipp, Secretary General of the AER.
Parallel to the main Summer School, the AER is also organising its 4th annual Youth Summer School. 50 participants between the ages of 18 and 24 will examine the theme of ‘Youth and Citizenship in a Multicultural Europe’. In addition, after taking into account feedback from former Youth Summer Schools in which young people expressed concern that politicians did not listen to their views, a new AER Youth Team has been created. During this Youth Summer School, eight youth participants will be elected to join the Youth Team, which will be directly involved in the work of all four Committees of the AER.
On the final day, participants from both the Summer School and Youth Summer School will come together to celebrate cultural diversity in the regions. This will certainly provide a unique opportunity for young people and politicians to meet informally and exchange their points of view!
Detailed information about AER Summer School & Youth Summer School available at www.a-e-r.org or www.mostar2005.org
The AER expresses it thanks to the Summer School Organising Committee regions for their support: Brussels Capital-B, Friuli Venezia Giulia-I, Herzegovina-Neretva-BIH and the City of Mostar, Istra-HR, Olomouc-CZ, Vestfold-N, Wien-A, Wallonie-B, Zenica-Doboj-BIH and Zurich-CH
For more information: [email protected]