Szczecin (PL), 19 June 2009
Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Poland’s first prime minister after the fall of communism in 1989, joined the Assembly of European Regions (AER) to mark the 20th anniversary of Poland’s first free elections with a European Citizens Forum held today in Szczecin, Zachodniopmorskie region (PL). The forum brought together almost 100 young people to explore Poland’s prospects in Europe following its transition from communism to EU membership.
Addressing participants at the forum, Tadeusz Mazowiecki said: “I fully support the Assembly of European Regions in this initiative, as it is immensely crucial to spread information about Europe among all citizens, especially among youth. Many European countries, not only Poland, are in the course of a mental transition – from perceiving Europe in terms of ‘they’ to perceiving Europe as ‘we’. That is why we need to stress that only Europe, which is created by an active involvement of its citizens at a regional level, has a real chance of becoming an acknowledged partner at an international level. We need to make all citizens aware that they are equally responsible for the future of Europe, for example by involving people in the European elections.”
Apart from focusing on Poland’s transition over the past 20 years, the forum looked at the significance of interregional cooperation for regions such as Zachodniopomorskie, which is situated on the Polish-German border.
Michał Matlak, head of the AER Youth Regional Network (YRN) Media and Communication Committee as well as the debate’s initiator, said: “Today we expressed our solidarity at regional, national and European levels. During the meeting we had a chance to discuss the role of Poland in the future of Europe. We also had a unique opportunity to express our gratitude for 20 years of a free Poland. Had it not been for the elections in June 1989, we would not live in a fully united Europe.”
The European Citizens Forum in Szczecin was co-organised by AER, the University of Szczecin and the Higher School of Public Administration in Szczecin.
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