Do you want to learn more about youth policies and to establish transnational partnerships to provide youngsters with enhanced opportunities? Join the Youth Policy Partnership webinar organized within the SKILLNET project on September 2nd from 10 to 11!
Background – About SKILLNET
The event is part of a series of webinars organized within the project SKILLNET – Sector Skills Network in Advanced Manufacturing. The latter aims to enhance transnational partnerships and expertise in the field of vocational education and training (VET) in order to improve the match between individuals’ skills and economic and societal needs.
The project is co-funded by the Erasums+ programme and coordinated by the Skillman Network, a transnational platform of centres for vocational excellence for the advanced manufacturing sector. The Assembly of European Regions has recently joined the consortium to facilitate mutual learning activities and inform on EU funding opportunities through webinars and informative bulletins.
Webinar on Youth Policy Partnership
Young people are faced with increased challenges and uncertainty as to their lives and their role in society. Wasted talents, social exclusions, and disengagement are among the major threats to the youngsters’ personal fulfillment. To counter this negative landscape, the European Union has decided to further strengthen its action and the cooperation between its member states on youth policies through the adoption of a renewed EU Youth Strategy focused on ‘Engaging, Connecting, and Empowering Young People’.
SKILLNET wants to contribute to translating this framework into practice by starting a discussion with Skillman members (particularly those involved in youth programmes), and with relevant policymakers and experts on youth policies through the Youth Policy Partnership webinar on September 2nd from 10 to 11 am. The event will serve as an opportunity to engage experts to establish partnerships on youth policies that will contribute to creating more opportunities for youngsters in future projects. Panelists will share examples of successful youth projects and programmes, while the co-creation of ideas will be promoted through interactive tools actively involving the participants. The aim is to collect elements for the creation of partnerships that will set up the basics for future European projects and future collaborations.
The webinar will cover:
- 10.00 – 10.10 Introduction to the Skillman network and to the webinar (Valentina De Vico, Skillman Communication Manager)
- 10.10 – 10.20 Skillman Youth Forum (Giovanni Crisonà, Skillman President; Elena Romanini, Skillman Youth Forum Leader)
- 10.20 – 10.30 Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program (Manos Andreadis, Project Manager, Asset Technology, Greece, EYE Program Coordinator)
- 10.30 – 10.40 Eurodyssey Program (Andrés Muñoz Rojo, Program Coordinator AER; Yasser El Koura, Eurodyssey trainee AER)
- 10.40 – 10.55 Panel discussion and Q&A session
- 10.55 – 11 Closing remarks