On the occasion of this year Autumn Plenaries in Nancy (FR), AER is organising a workshop on youth mental health. All regions can take this excellent opportunity to define a new project, closer to their citizens!
AER takes action
As members from very diverse regions across wider Europe identified Youth mental health as one of the growing and most urgent issues all over Europe at the 2016 Autumn Plenaries in Izmir, AER decided to take action! This year, AER doubled its efforts to foster cooperation and improve regional policies in the field. Mutual learning and practice exchange proved to be a great catalyst for policy design and implementation. At the Spring Plenaries in London, members decided to develop an online working group in Slack on Youth mental health
Led by Catalonia and Norrbotten, this new working group aims not only at enhancing experience sharing between regions. Its objective is also to define an innovative joint European project in the field. To this end a first operational meeting took place at the General Assembly in Austria. It focussed on sharing opportunities and expertise on mental health and mainly discussed finances and EU project funding. A successful first brainstorming activity that leads the way to finding the perfect common project for AER members.
September Workshop: where things happen!
The workshop in Nancy will allow to further develop the project and define outputs which add value for regional stakeholders. The idea is to have a ready-to-go proposal once calls for projects are launched. A first milestone would be the submission of an Erasmus+ project for good practice sharing to be finalised by February 2018.
This AER project proposal aims to tackle youth mental health concerns in a practical way which adds value for citizens. Working closer to citizens is a longstanding priority for AER. As always, AER focusses on bringing added value for all its members, especially involving all regional stakeholders. It is still possible to join this project consortium: all regions are welcome to contribute!
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash