Funding Opportunity
The European Commission has made available some funds to implement the Europe 2020 strategy. The European programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” addresses social challenges tackling key issues such as sustainable employment and decent social security, along with the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
A new social innovation call for proposals was published on 19 January 2018.
The call concerns social innovation and national reforms on Innovative Work-Life balance Strategies to facilitate reconciliation of professional and caring responsibilities. The AER network has already been working on this topic and published a political report on how to measure tangible progress on the quality of life.
The aim of the call for projects is to support governmental and non-governmental actors, social partners in delivering national policy reforms as regards reconciling work and private life in line with the rights and principles set out in the European Social Pillar.
The fundings will support projects that develop, test, and implement innovative work-life balance strategies in the workplace. The purpose of these strategies is to facilitate the reconciliation of work and private life through supporting a more equal share of care responsibilities between working women and men, thereby encouraging a higher participation of women in the labour market.
The budget earmarked is estimated at €10.000.000 and the Commission expects to fund 5-7 proposals.
This call is part of three actions on social innovation and national reform composed. Call for projects on “Access to Social Protection” and “National reform support” will follow soon as declared by the European Commission.
Deadline for submission is 18 April 2018.
Further details and the submission form can be found here.
Photo credits @visualhunt