At AER Summer Academy in Maramures, Ms Sofie Notstrand of Region Gävleborg (SE) will deliver a workshop entitled “Communicating the essence of a heritage site” on virtual reality and storytelling techniques to visualise, communicate and bring out the narrative potential of a place. The workshop will showcase ways to explore different methodologies to describe a location in a suggestive way. Indeed, the Region of Gävleborg has worked in the last years to develop projects that highlight what the region can do to promote conservation, digitisation, infrastructure, research, and skills development.
One of the main projects is The Virtual Heritage project, which was initiated by the world heritage site “The Decorated Farm Houses of Hälsingland” within the framework of the European year of cultural heritage 2018. Ms Notstrand has been working on it, creating a room designed for a VR (virtual reality) exhibition of the Cultural World Heritage with the goal of developing a VR experience in a museum that allows visitors to get access without guidance from the staff on the spot. This has meant adapting the room in an unique way to make it enjoyable and accessible during the users’ tour.
During the workshop, Ms Notstrand will give practical examples to make stories come alive; she will show how to:
- focus on the different senses and aspects of a location;
- present it through a storytelling approach;
- involve a wider range of visitors.
The participants are asked to take active part of the exercises and to keep an open mind in order to become fully involved in the workshop.
This workshop will give the participants a practical experience of how to:
- exploit a narrative in different ways;
- make heritage accessible to a wider range of people;
- create an embodied understanding of an object or place narrative potential.
Registrations open!
If you want to participate in this workshop and in many others, just check the Summer Academy practical information and then fill in the registration form available at the AER event page for the 2018 Summer Academy in Maramures (RO).
Check every detail of the event by clicking on the link below!
Credits Photo: Jeshoots.com on Unsplash