AER criticises the Commission’s proposal for a common European format for Curricula vitae
Following banana regulations and standardisation, the EU Commission has launched an initiative proposing a common European format for Curricula Vitae, both on paper and in electronic form. These proposals have set off harsh reactions from the AER, in particular in relation to questions of data protection and data flow.
The AER is aware that many serious obstacles stand in the way of real mobility in the European labour market however, it is doubtful whether the introduction of a common European CV format would be of any help. “This decision puts forward serious questions if the Council and the Commission are in step with the realities of the European labour market and if they believe that a standard bureaucratic document will really improve access to the job market and be of help to the individual. It is naive to assume that the qualifications and qualities of each individual from the millions of workers can be treated more adequately in this manner, with a standard form for everyone. I wonder what has driven the Commission to seriously pursue such an initiative” stated Bruno Hosp, President of the Culture and Education Committee of the AER in his initial reaction to the announcement of Viviane Reding, member of the EU Commission in charge of Education and Culture, who had praised the initiative as the way forward for the portrayal of competences and professional experience in a clear and comparable way.
“Serious concerns have to be raised in relation to personal data protection and the transfer of data both within and outside the EU when these formats will be computer readable” added Mr Hosp. The AER expects the President of the Commission to launch wide public debate on this matter for the sake of transparency and the involvement of the citizens. The AER would also like to have more details concerning the time spent by EU officials and the expenses of experts for the production of this CV format.
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