The joint AER-ERRIN brokerage event “Going green in Seventeen” which was held in Brussels, Belgium on 19 January 2017, was a great success. With a focus on Horizon 2020 energy and climate change calls with a 2017 deadline, the project brokerage session drew a myriad of representatives hailing from regional delegations, universities, companies, and public authorities. In addition, the plenary session allowed attendees to gain insight on the new call and advice on how to design a successful project proposal.
This event aimed to foster the participation of our member regions in EU funded green projects, in line with our new service dedicated to assisting them with EU projects and programmes. By acting as a channel through which to facilitate the meeting and networking of different actors concerned by green projects, AER successfully gave its regions and other stakeholders the key to develop project ideas, join EU projects, and meet potential new partners to build consortia.
The event was beneficial to our participants, who were provided with insight on the Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Call 2017, practical support by means of tips and tricks for a successful Horizon 2020 proposal, and a greater understanding of the role of exploitation and dissemination in green Horizon 2020 projects.
- Mr. Adrian Peres from EASME, European Commission presented the Energy Efficiency Call 2017. He shared the main type of actions in the Energy Efficiency Call 2017, along with basic principles on the evaluation process for proposals, tips and lessons learnt, and feedback from EASME experts.
- Ms. Anna Casagrande from NCP (National Contact Point) for Horizon 2020 Energy and Space, impulse.brussels presented tips and tricks for a successful proposal. She covered the following topics: preparation for a H2020 call proposal, drafting & submission, management, lessons learnt & tips and tricks, and NCPs & EEN (Enterprise Europe Network) support.
- Mr. Guillaume Corradino from Greenovate presented impact matters: the role of exploitation and dissemination in green Horizon 2020 projects. He gave an overview of Greenovate, explaining the organisation’s profile and setup, and references on exploitation of public R&D projects. Mr. Corradino also discussed the difficulties related to achieving impact, and the exploitation and dissemination in individual projects.
During the 9 break-out sessions, 10 project ideas were presented on the following topics: energy efficiency, circular economy, buildings, air quality, raw materials innovative actions, innovative financing schemes. The project leaders came from Politecnico di Milano, GATE21 (NGO), Belfast Metropolitan College, Nordic Blue Crude (start-up), Cleantech Region, Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica, Municipality of Assen, City of Groningen, and Mondragon University. Many public and private organisations participated actively to the discussion during the break-out sessions in order to share ideas and start developing new proposals.
The Horizon 2020 calls for proposals for which the participants voted, and the project ideas which were addressed are:
- CIRC-01 (Systemic, eco-innovative approaches for the circular economy: large-scale demonstration projects)
- CIRC-02 (Water in the context of circular economy)
- EE-14 (Construction skills)
- EE-18 (Energy efficiency of industrial parks through energy cooperation and mutualised energy services)
- EE-23 (Innovative financing schemes)
- LCE-10 (Reducing the cost of PV electricity)
- LCE-17 (Easier to install and more efficient geothermal systems for retrofitting buildings)
- LCE-19 (Demonstration of the most promising advanced biofuel pathways)
- SCC-02 (Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions in cities)
- EE-06 (Engaging private consumers towards sustainable energy)
- EE-09 (Engaging and activating public authorities)
We invite AER member regions to take advantage of these project opportunities, either on their own or by contacting their regional stakeholders: universities, companies, local authorities, etc.
For any queries, please contact the AER Secretariat.
All presentations and additional documentation from the conference are available on our event page.
Partner searches that come from the projects discussed during the breakout sessions are available on the AER website under the section “Connecting Regions”. Have a look at it and apply to join these green projects!
More details on some calls addressed to public authorities that were covered during the brokerage event are also available: EE-06 and EE-09.