The brokerage event organised by AER in collaboration with ERRIN showed once again AER commitment to keep members update on funding opportunities and projects. After the last presentations on European programmes done at the Autumn Committees’ Plenary 2016 in Izmir, AER goes further with an event dedicated to one of the main European funding programmes: Horizon 2020. The brokerage was the stage for regions to present their project ideas on energy efficiency and climate change as well as the perfect place to meet potential project partners.
Please, find in the event page all presentations and projects ideas shared during the brokerage event.
Now, we would like to share with member region some additional information on the programme Horizon which could be particularly useful for public authorities. In particular, we focus on some calls discussed during the brokerage event which envisage a clear involvement of the public sector, having deadline on 7th June 2017 at 17:00 (Brussels time).
The call for proposals “Engaging and activating public authorities – EE-09-2016-2017” aims to support the key role of public authorities to drive the change in energy planning to find better energy efficiency solutions.
The call supports activities like developing innovative ways for energy transition. The integrate energy planning in different fields as transport and land-use is also another one. The multi-layer approach between the different levels of public authorities is also mentioned.
The second action of the call is to foster the peer to peer learning among public authorities in consortia together with Local and Regional Energy Agencies.
The project proposals should have remarkable results in energy saving or impact the promotion of renewable energy, support the preparation of new policies and strategies created or adapt to include green energy sources. Also the engagement of citizens is one of the expected results.
The call “Engaging private consumers towards sustainable energy – EE-06-2016-2017” puts at the hearth of the energy system the citizen as consumer. The combination of raising energy prices and lower income puts 50 millions of European citizen in a potential situation of energy poverty.
The aims of the call are innovative. One of them introduces the concept of “prosumers”. Consumers should act proactively to set up groups to promote energy efficiency or renewable energy resources. The aims address also basic skills as understanding the energy bills and how to take the right decisions in energy matters.
Project proposals should demonstrate an understanding of different types of consumers behaviours. It should consider the different approaches needed to influence them. The activities need to address specific target groups. Speaking of targets, gender is a priority for all the activities of the call. Gender is important because it may influence the energy behaviour of the consumers.
The call recommends to involve major consumer organisations in the project proposal.
In this article there are the main information. Check the pages of each call to have a better understanding. So start as soon as possible to work on your idea. Horizon 2020 project proposals are complex and need time to prepare a valuable proposal. Please have a look at the tips&tricks presented at the brokerage event by Anna Casagrande, Horizon 2020 National Contact Point Brussels.
For any more information and support regarding this call please contact AER secretariat.
Photo credits: Riccardo Annandale https://unsplash.com/@riccardoannandale