Ponta Delgada, Açores (P), 24 November 2011
Earlier today at the General Assembly of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), Mr Pascal Goergen was named the new Secretary General.
Pascal Goergen, a Belgian citizen born in 1963 in Cologne (D), has a PhD in Political Science on decision-making processes in a new international environment, following the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Before obtaining his PhD at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve in 1995, Mr Goergen held a BA in Foreign Languages and completed post-graduate studies in International Relations.
Since January 2001, Mr. Goergen works as diplomatic representative of the region of Bruxelles-Capitale to the EU within the Permanent Representation of Belgium. This activity was preceded by 15 years of professional experience in the academic world, first as a research assistant and then as lecturer at the School of Marketing and International Commerce in Brussels, where he was also in charge of various student exchange and placement programmes. Between 2001 and 2011, Pascal Goergen participated in 20 rotating Presidencies of the Council, among which two Belgian Presidencies. In 2001, he was spokesperson for Belgium in the field of research and in 2010 on the urban dimension of structural funds. Thanks to his expertise, gained over 25 years of professional activity, he has acquired a solid knowledge of the European institutions and international affairs. Mr. Goergen has also authored several books on European Institutions and more particularly about regional lobbying and about networking towards the EU.
Pascal Goergen will succeed Klaus Klipp as the AER Secretary General, starting in January 2012 for a 5-year mandate. Klaus Klipp held this position from 2002 to 2011.
For more information: [email protected]