The Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) 3rd call for project proposal is now open and looking to receive transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area and its citizens.
The Programme encourages public, scientific, private and civil society organisations to cooperate with a view to improving the economic, environmental, territorial and social development of Europe’s regions. All projects financed by the Programme will need to demonstrate high, transnational cooperation intensity throughout their lifetime with a clear focus on results.
To deliver its aim, the Interreg NWE has identified three thematic priorities and five specific objectives:
1. Innovation:
– To enhance innovation performance of enterprises throughout NWE region
2. Low Carbon
– To facilitate the implementation of low-carbon, energy and climate protection strategies to reduce Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in NWE
– To facilitate the uptake of low carbon technologies, products, processes and services in sectors with high energy saving potential, to reduce GHG emissions in NWE
– To facilitate the implementation of transnational low-carbon solutions in transport systems to reduce GHG-emissions in NWE
3. Resource and materials efficiency
– To optimise (re)use of material and natural resources in NWE
The target countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Switzerland. A wide range of bodies are entitled to take part in NWE project partnerships including national, regional and local authorities, universities, R&D agencies, non-profit organisations as well as private partners, including profit-making partners (e.g. SMEs).
All projects need to be match-funded: the maximum ERDF grant rate for partners is 60% of the total project budget, therefore the partnership will need to provide the remaining 40%. Swiss organisations are not entitled to receive ERDF funds and are invited to contact their contact point in order to discuss possibilities of co-financing.
The deadline to submit project proposals is 27 May 2016 h 12.00 pm CET.
If you are interest to share your project idea, look for partners and get support for dissemination and communication actions do not hesitate to get in touch with AER Secretariat!