Interreg Atlantic Area just launched its 1st call for projects, which will be open until 31st May h 12.00 noon (GMT).
This call supports transnational cooperation projects in 38 regions of 5 Atlantic countries: France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, contributing to the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion. The overall objective is to implement solutions to answer to regional challenges in the fields of innovation, resource efficiency, environment and cultural assets, supporting regional development and sustainable growth.
The Programme is committed to funding high quality sustainable projects addressing key transnational challenges or common transnational problems shared by different regions across the Atlantic Area. Therefore, they should also be impact oriented, seeking to generate sustainable change in the regions and responding to genuine transnational needs.
A wide range of organisations under public or private law, are potential beneficiaries of ERDF funding and may therefore join a project partnership. Eligible organisations cover entities like:
– National, regional, or local public bodies
– Education and research institutions
– Not-for-profit organisations
– Private and public companies
– International, transnational and cross-border organisations
As general rule the Programme offers a maximum co-financing rate of 75% of the total project budget. Projects should have a work timeline of 18 to 36 months, with a start in the first quarter of 2017.
This call is structured in two stages:
- 1st stage regards the submission of the Expression of Interest providing a clear outline of the proposed project (deadline 31st May). Decisions on the 1st stage will be made in September 2016.
- 2nd stage for successful applicants, that are invited to submit a full project application within about 6 weeks from the date of notification. Final decisions on the 2nd stage applications will be made by January 2017.
We encourage AER eligible member regions and partners to take into consideration this interesting funding opportunity for projects and to read carefully the relevant documents and instructions to apply for this call. AER Secretariat is at your disposal to help you in developing your project idea and build a relevant partnership!
The Interreg Atlantic Area has also planned a launching conference on 24th May in Porto (PT), aimed to officially present the new Programme features and vision, debate the territorial cooperation added value for the Atlantic Area regions and also provide information about the projects that intends to fund under the first ongoing call. Further information and online registration will be available on the Interreg Atlantic Area website.