Brussels, Bruxelles-Capitale (BE), 4 February 2015
Yesterday, the Assembly of European Regions’ (AER) Brussels office celebrated the move into the new office at Rue d’Arlon 63-67, next door to the European Institutions. Dr. Hande Özsan Bozatli, AER President, presented the work of our Assembly to our new neighbours from the Renewable Energy House (REH).
We were honoured by the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Laurent of Belgium accompanied by his wife, Princess Claire, who opened our new Brussels home as the House of European Regions. Prince Laurent spoke of the welcoming image of the House and the values of openness and cooperation that have always been at the heart of the project.
REH, the Renewable Energy House, which will now also stand for the House of European Regions, demonstrates the integration of the innovative renewable energy technologies and minimisation of the energy consumption in a historic 140 year-old building. In fact, this challenging project was proposed by H. R. H. Prince Laurent in 2005. REH has already attracted over 20,000 visitors from all around Europe eager to learn more about energy efficiency.
We will be working alongside the nerve centre of the major European green energy associations, the focal point for renewable energy issues in the European Union’s capital, Brussels. As H. R. H. Prince Laurent underlined, the environment will always be the only common language in our society, that is why we are honoured and excited to be working in REH ; we look forward to welcoming the regions in a 100% renewable energy house.
“Next month, we’ll launch a new campaign in order to welcome new regions to our House” stressed Dr. Hande Özsan Bozatli. “All European Regions are invited to join us in September for the official inauguration of the House” she concluded.
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