The European Commission is offering a detailed explanation on how to access information on funding and use the Funding & tenders Portal on 27 May 2021 10:00-12:30 CEST (Brussels time), via its “Webinar session: The Funding & tenders Portal for beginners“
As from 2021, all Commission Services shall be using the Funding & Tenders opportunities portal. It will replace individual systems that were used by the DGs (i.e. SWIM for DG EMPL).
In order to facilitate the transition, the European Commission is organising a webinar for (potential) new users of the Portal. It will explain and demonstrate:
- the search for funding opportunities and partners
- registration of your organisation
- submission of proposals
- managing your profile
- exploring funded projects and statistics
- and many more features.
The participation does not require pre-registration; access will be via YouTube web stream. All details and the agenda are available on the European Commission’s website.
We strongly encourage AER members and any organisations aiming to apply in the future to EU calls for proposals or tenders, to follow this webinar.
Draft agenda
Draft agenda:
- Introduction
- What does this portal offer?
2.1. Basic navigation
2.2. I look for EU funding – is there anything in for me?
2.3. I want to register my organisation
2.4. I want to submit a proposal for a grant or procurement contract
2.5. I want to see the EU projects funded (in my area of interest, my country or region…)
2.6. I want to exploit the results of EU funded projects
2.7. I want to become an expert evaluator/monitor
2.8. Should I create my personal profile on this portal?
2.9. How can I acquire access rights to proposals, projects, organisation data…?
2.10. How do I manage notifications and tasks?
2.11. How can I manage my user account?
2.12. I need help - Q&As
Photo by Octavian Dan on Unsplash