The European Commission is evaluating the European Disability 2010-2020 strategy‘s implementation. This strategy is the EU’s main policy in the disability sector. It sets out the objectives and actions for implementing disability policy at the EU level.
Public consultation: your feedback is precious!
One part of the ongoing evaluation is an online open public consultation that aims to collect feedback and views of citizens, institutions and organizations and other stakeholders across Europe. The wider participation in this online survey, the better. This will highlight the interest of citizens and organizations for disability policies. This consultation will be open until 13 November 2019
NB: The online consultation is available in all the national languages of the European Union. To access your language version, click on “English” at the top of the page and chose your preferred language.
Don’t hesitate to share this consultation with stakeholders in your region: the European Commission is looking for feedback from as many stakeholders as possible!
European Day of Persons with Disabilities
The interim results of the consultation will be presented during the conference “European Day of Persons with Disabilities – EDPD, on 28 and 29 November 2019.
This event, which is hosted by the European Commission, in partnership with the European disability forum, is the opportunity for the EU to mainstream disability issues and to raise awareness of the everyday- life challenges faced by persons with disabilities.
Politicians, high-level experts and self-advocates will attend the conference to discuss the challenges, the solutions and the projects for improving policies dedicated to persons with disabilities.
Delegates will share their expectations for the next decade. Inspiration from outside the EU is also to be brought and participants will hear about the inclusion in sport and discuss how it can be improved.
To participate in this event, stakeholders are invited to e-mail the European Commision explaining their interest in taking part in the conference.
Why this matters for AER
AER has carried out significant work on helping regions to implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A handbook for regional policy-makers was for instance published in 2010 which is a very hands-on guide on how to translate principles into action. It features 13 concrete steps a regional politician can take.
AER mainstreamed this topic in different activities, such as for instance the 2011 edition of the AER award for the Most Youth friendly European Region (MYFER) was focused on “social inclusion of youth with disabilities”. AER’s Committee on Social Policy and Public Health has been working constantly on inclusion and the AMID project “Access to Services for Migrants with Disabilities” launched in 2018 allowed to bring the knowledge gained in these activities to other fields of action.
AER is involved in the civil dialogue organised by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion and regularly shares opportunities with its members in this context.