The Province of Gelderland (NL), winner of the 2019 European Entrepreneurial Region award, is proud to invite all AER members to a two-day conference about empowering sustainability. The conference will take place in Arnhem (NL), 22 – 23 May 2019.
Mutual learning for a sustainable future
The International European Entrepreneurial Region Conference will give room to work on and accelerate innovation in sustainability. For this conference, Gelderland has invited entrepreneurs, regional and local authorities, universities and clusters from all over wider Europe to work together and accelerate innovation in sustainability. The aim is to inspire and generate opportunities for European cooperation with other entrepreneurs, authorities and education institutes.
Day 1: Get inspired
The first day of the conference will be dedicated to working sessions and meetings with European partners. The discussions will revolve around the cooperation between science, entrepreneurs and governments to speed up innovation on sustainability.
Day 2: Empowering connection
Split into 5 groups, participants will look into themes like (agri)Food, Health, Energy, Industry, and Tools for small and medium-sized enterprises. There will be concrete examples of sustainable projects and innovative companies in Gelderland.
The conference participation is free of charge and dinner on the first day and lunch on the second day is included. The detailed programme, practical information and the link for registration are available on the official event website of Gelderland.
Photo by Peter Žagar on Unsplash