Cohesion policy represents a key investment in the social, economic and territorial development in EU regions. The current debate on the post-2020 – where this is all under threat – is therefore central for regional authorities and a major opportunity for them to shape a future cohesion policy that is able to deliver on the sustainable and inclusive development of European regions. And the time to do that is now!
At a pivotal moment for the debate on the future EU cohesion policy, with institutional actors starting to work on a consolidated position on the reformed policy, the Committees’ Autumn Plenary in Nancy brings a timely opportunity for AER to look at some of the key policy developments and consider next steps for its joint advocacy work towards EU Institutions on the cohesion policy beyond 2020.
With this discussion we aim to:
- Keep members informed about latest policy developments on cohesion policy and ways to get involved.
- Bring members on board with the next phase of AER advocacy plan for cohesion policy, with information and open feedback process on the strategy proposed by the Cohesion Policy Task Force.
- Mobilise active participation and support of member regions for concerted and collaborative advocacy actions.
What we want to achieve in Nancy for AER advocacy plan?
Following the adoption of AER position paper on the future of cohesion policy post 2020 at the Bureau meeting in Sankt Pölten, Lower Austria (AT) on 1 June, members identified the key issues related to cohesion policy and changes they would like to see after 2020. At a pivotal moment for the debate on the future EU cohesion policy, with key institutional actors starting to work on a consolidated position on the reformed policy and stakeholders forming alliances to push for their common agenda; The Committees’ Autumn Plenary in Nancy brings a timely opportunity for AER to look at some of the key policy developments and consider next steps for its joint advocacy work towards EU Institutions on the future cohesion policy.
With this discussion we aim to:
- Keep members informed about latest policy developments on cohesion policy and ways to get involved (nothing better than with everyone together and face-to-face).
- Bring members on board with the next phase of AER advocacy plan for cohesion policy, with information and open feedback process on the strategy proposed by the Task Force for transparency and shared ownership of common advocacy objectives and actions.
- Mobilise active participation and support of member regions for concerted and collaborative advocacy actions.
What’s in for AER member regions?
- Increase the effectiveness of individual member regions influencing work, by participating in AER collective advocacy.
- Platform to plan and coordinate advocacy activities, facilitating access to intel, unified advocacy voices and collective action for common objectives.
- Opportunities to connect with other European networks and stakeholders to generate even broader support for AER regions interests and proposals.
- Opportunity to directly engage with EU officials and policy-makers.
How can AER member regions be involved and contribute to the success of the cohesion policy advocacy strategy? What should they bring to the table?
We want AER member regions to actively engage in the ongoing debate and influencing work in-country and in Brussels for endorsement of AER issues and advocacy asks by:
- Reaching out to national policy-makers, including Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy to influence the discussions and conclusions adopted by the Council (General Affairs Council – including Informal Ministerial Meetings of Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy – discussions and conclusions on Cohesion Policy and as well as on the next Multiannual Financial Framework – of the EU)
- Contacting Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to influence EP reports on Cohesion Policy and EP position on the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).
- Mobilising their regional EU Offices to influence at EU level, notably by reaching out to Permanent Representations and their representatives following the COREPER and Working Party on Structural Measures, which deals with cohesion policy.
- Contributing to the Committee of the Regions opinions (for those regions represented in the CoR).
- Supporting the Alliance for a Strong and Effective EU Cohesion Policy Beyond 2020, led by the Committee of the Regions in partnership with European networks of local and regional authorities, including AER.
- Bringing intel on the debate and negotiation process for Cohesion Policy and the next MFF, as well as the access to policy-makers.
Discussion in Nancy
- 10 min: Update on policy developments and timeframe for future CP post 2020
- 10 min: Presentation of the Task Force proposal on next steps for the AER CP advocacy strategy & how we want AER regions to be involved
- 35min: Discussion/Q&A
Why is this so important?
A more in-depth discussion at the Committees’ Plenary will ensure that AER and its member regions have a better understanding of the cohesion policy/political environment and come to an agreement on the direction and the key steps, actions and roles needed to achieve the common advocacy goals at a critical moment in the decision-making process.
The knowledge and intel that such a debate will be able to aggregate, with all member regions together, will also generate better proposals to AER advocacy planning and implementation.
This way, we will bring clarity to AER advocacy strategy – a strategy that members will own and support, giving AER and its regions the drive that will help move their joint advocacy strategy forward and make the plans happen with greater chance of success.
Register here for the AER Committees’ Autumn Plenary (12 September 14:00 – 14 September 18:00).