Krzyżowa (PL), 22 May 2009.
Aiming at “Shaping the future of Europe – on the eve of the parliamentary elections”, young members of theAssembly of European Regions’ (AER) Youth Regional Network (YRN) elected Charlotte Kudé, from Ile-de-France region (F), as the network’s first president at the end of their second meeting in Krzyżowa, Lower Silesia region (PL).
Charlotte Kudé is 18 years old and she comes from Ile-de-France region (F), one of the most dynamic and strategic regions in Europe. She has French, German, Hungarian, Slovenian and Spanish origins therefore she considers Europe as an important part of her identity. She’ s the leader of a national youth organization fighting for better education and also a member of Ile-de-France Youth Regional Council.
After being elected she said: “As the new president of the AER Youth Regional Network, I would like to share my motivation with all European young people and give our network the brilliant future we deserve through the definition of interesting projects that lead us to successful results.”
The Youth Regional Network (YRN) is a platform of regional-level youth organisations, councils and parliaments from across wider Europe created by the Assembly of European Regions (AER). The YRN was established on 25th November 2008 in Wiesbaden (Hessen region-D), where was held a founding meeting of ninety young people representing 55 European regions.
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