On the occasion of the Autumn plenaries in Vojvodina, a Breakfast Debate will be organised on 27 September on "welcoming unaccompanied migrant children" . Youth on the move: a current topic The topic of this Breakfast Debate has been chosen based on exchanges held at the previous plenary meeting in Arad, where several regions expressed their interest in sharing experiences … [Read more...]
You will find in this section all the articles published in our news section on our home page.
Östergötland (SE) leading the way in AER’s engagement on new mobility services
Through the leadership of Östergötland in the AER Working Group on Transports and Mobility, AER is involved in the New Mobility Services Initiative, of the European Commission. This initiative was set up within the Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Cluster of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC). Bringing stakeholders together for … [Read more...]
Horizon 2020’s calls for proposals: some useful tips (3/3)
Have you read the general context of the 2019 calls for proposals under Horizon 2020? Are you interested in submitting a project within one of the topics, such as food security? Then you will find below some useful tips to help you draft and submit a successful project proposal. Tip 1: Read all the information (carefully!) Read the Participant Portal and the Work Programme. … [Read more...]
An unforgettable Summer Academy in Maramures
The 2018 AER Summer Academy held in Maramures, Romania brought together over 100 participants from various regions across Europe to discuss and learn about the many benefits that heritage and culture can bring to a region. Through a series of plenaries, workshops and study visits, the delegates had the chance to find out about how cultural heritage contributes to the vitality … [Read more...]
EuroAccess Macro-Regions: funding now available
Are you interested in funding opportunities but have trouble finding information on open calls? EuroAccess Macro-Regions might be the tool you need. What is EuroAccess Macro-Regions? EuroAccess Macro-Regions in an online platform and search tool for EU-funding available in four EU Macro-Regions, namely: Danube Region (EUSDR) Alpine Region (EUSALP) Baltic Sea Region … [Read more...]
YRN travels to New York for United Nations High-level Political Forum
The President of the AER Youth Regional Network, Gloria Vitaly, travelled to New York from the 9 – 13 July to participate in the High-level Political Forum on behalf of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY). The High-level Political Forum (HLPF) is the central platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the … [Read more...]
Sardinia becomes the latest region to join the AER
Sardinia has become the latest region to join the AER and Eurodyssey network. Francesco Pigliaru, President of Sardinia, welcomed Mathieu Mori, AER Secretary General and Esther Estany Campos, Eurodyssey President, to the official signing ceremony in Cagliari on Thursday 20 July. Sardinia becomes the 7th Italian region to join the AER and the 4th to join Eurodyssey. The … [Read more...]
Gävleborg: Virtual reality to communicate the essence of a heritage site
At AER Summer Academy in Maramures, Ms Sofie Notstrand of Region Gävleborg (SE) will deliver a workshop entitled "Communicating the essence of a heritage site" on virtual reality and storytelling techniques to visualise, communicate and bring out the narrative potential of a place. The workshop will showcase ways to explore different methodologies to describe a location in a … [Read more...]
Regional Business Forum in Vojvodina
On the occasion of the Autumn Committee Plenaries in Vojvodina from 25-27 September 2018 a Regional Business Forum is being organised together with the Enterprise Europe Network and the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce and Development Agency. Sharing experiences to support the business community The Regional Business Forum will gather in one place Regional chambers of commerce … [Read more...]
AER & the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC
On 7 June 2018, on the occasion of the Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC conference, AER Secretary General Mathieu Mori presented the experience of AER member regions which are part of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). AER aims to strengthen the cooperation with the European Corridors to help regions cooperate more along territorial … [Read more...]
Public open data in the spotlight at Vojvodina plenaries
On the occasion of the Autumn plenaries in Vojvodina, AER members will discuss how opening public data supports the emergence of startups in regions. The panel will bring together speakers from startups, regional policymakers, experts on design and data to discuss why, how and for what regions should open their data and look at challenges and opportunities. Open Data... … [Read more...]
Heritage restored: Maramures and its unique projects
Maramures, Romania is the beautiful region that will host the AER Summer Academy from 6 to 10 August 2018. It is a unique region, typified by picturesque countryside, small villages, rolling hills, pastures, and meadows full of wildflowers . This is where culture and traditions have been carefully preserved. This year’s AER Summer Academy in Maramures themed "Cultural … [Read more...]
Environmental policies: more activities for regions
AER encourages its members to take advantage of existing programmes which offer support on policies which matter for regions. This is why the TAIEX-EIR programme of the European Commission seems of particular relevance. The diversity in services offered make the TAIEX-EIR a well suited tool to complement ongoing activities within the AER Working Group on Energy and Climate … [Read more...]
Optimum healthcare for every child
Launched in 2015, the Models of Child Health Appraised (MOCHA) is appraising the differing models of child healthcare that are used across Europe. This project, which aims to advise policy making and help every child benefiting from optimum healthcare, will be finalised end of 2018. AER & the MOCHA project Within this project, AER belongs to the External Advisory Board. … [Read more...]
On the road: AER travels to Korçë, Albania to discuss EU funding opportunities
On 21 June 2018 AER Secretariat was in Korçë (AL) for the EU Funding Seminars. Hosted by our member region Korçë and the President Mrs Ana Verushi, we had the pleasure to meet and discuss with each 12 Albanian regions. The event gave the opportunity to highlight the role regional cooperation can have and to develop on Programmes and Funding opportunities Albanian regions can … [Read more...]
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