The regions of Aquitaine (F), Euskadi and Navarra (E) are geographically and historically close so it is quite natural that they got together. Aquitaine and Euskadi established a cooperation protocol in 1989 and Navarra joined them in 1992, thus sealing a fruitful institutional collaboration. The main objectives of this cooperation are:
- to exchange information on respective economic and social policies, on actions for the promotion and the development of communications, training, research and infrastructures as well as the value of cultural and linguistic heritage,
- to harmonise policies in the above mentioned areas,
- to consult each other on the definition and implementation of projects of common interest,
- to encourage all forms of cooperation between the different public, professional and private bodies from each region.
Over 350 transborder projects, 50 of which were introduced in 1997, have in this way been set up in a variety of fields: higher education, scientific research, the environment, economic development, tourism, agriculture, culture, training, social care, diffusion of the Basque language etc. These projects are financed by a common intervention fund. The three regions invest each year close to 300 million Pesetas so that this collaboration may realise an even greater number of common projects on both sides of the border.