AER is excited to announce it will be attending the ACI Europe’s 11th Annual Regional Airports’ Conference and Exhibition in Naples, Italy. Mr. Roger Esterfors, the expert on regional airports from the AER Working Group on Transports and Mobility will represent AER at the conference.
ACI Europe is the European branch of Airports Council International, the only global federation of airports operators, serving as the European trade body for airports. With a membership comprised of airport operators of all sizes, along with national airport associations, global businesses, and educational establishments, AIC helps members work together to ensure effective communication and advocacy on relevant legislative, commercial, technical, environmental, and passenger issues.
The conference will consist of multiple high-level sessions including cutting edge presentations and panel discussions from industry leaders, top level decision makers and other airport professionals. Taking place in Cork, Ireland, last year’s event attracted over 200 delegates from 25 different countries and 25 different airports. This year’s event is expected to
Considering the difficulties in communication between regional airports, the event will provide a platform for regional airports to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and discuss issues of common interest. Attendees will also benefit from presentations from industry experts in the airport community where they can discover the latest trends, issues, and challenges facing the airport industry. The event also gives exclusive networking opportunities from members of ACI Europe as well as delegates from Europe and abroad.
AER Working Group on Transports and Mobility
The AER Working Group on Transports and Mobility has been established to address key transport issues such as connectivity and permeability, financing of infrastructure, regulation of state and regional airports, as well a host of other issues. The group also acts as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience among regions. It is currently chaired by Mr. Martin Tollén, a County Councillor from Östergötland in Sweden.
Over the last few years, the working group has been active at numerous events, conferences, and workshops. In 2016, in partnership with Revolve Media in Brussels the working group moderated a debate on sustainable mobility where experiences from several regions were shared including Östergötland, Basel, and Brussels Capital. Since then, AER has cooperated with Revolve Media to highlight good practices in the field of transport, bringing attention to AER members doing work on sustainable transport.
Last March, the working group participated in a breakfast briefing in London with LSE on new urban mobility with a specific focus on how to influence users’ behaviour and choices to transition towards more sustainable transportation. Additionally, in October 2017 Mr. Tollen participated in Smart Airports in Berlin, a series of conferences on role, evolution, and future of airports.
AER has also joined the New Mobility Services Initiative (NMS) of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities to enable regions to provide their stakeholders with an international forum for cooperation and to influence the European Commission’s agenda for the development of calls for projects. The NMS is a joint venture between public and private partners designed to establish strategic partnerships between industry and European cities and regions to develop modern urban mobility systems and infrastructure. Facilitated by Mr. Edwin Mermans, a civil servant from Noord Brabant, the project is open for all European regions and cities who wish to join or send stakeholders. This February, Mr. Tollén will be attending a NMS meeting in Brussels on behalf of the AER’s working group.
For those interested, more information on AER’s working group on transport and mobility is available on our website.