AER is inviting members to offer their amendment proposals to the Draft Position on Climate.
Amendment proposals can be submitted using the online form HERE.
The closing date for submitting amendments is 8 November.
About this Amending Process
This consultation aims to invite all AER members to offer their amendment proposals to the Draft Position on Climate.
At the online Bureau meeting in November 2020, Bureau Members decided to set up a Task Force on Climate. Chaired by the Region of Västra Götaland, the Task Force produced a common Position with a set of recommendations on how to produce a carbon-neutral Europe by 2050, highlighting the vital role of local and regional governments in accelerating climate action and delivering the climate targets.
To make these proposals stronger, the Task Force is inviting AER member regions to share their proposed changes to the Draft Position.
The amendment proposals can be submitted until 8 November.
Suggested amendments will be discussed and voted by Bureau Members at the Autumn Bureau Meeting in December 2021.
How to Submit Amendments
Please read the Draft Position Paper HERE.
To help us gather your input, we encourage you to submit your amendment proposals using the online form HERE.
Members must make it clear which part of the draft they are amending. Amendments can add, delete, or replace parts of the text. Look at the examples provided HERE.
If you are unable to use the online system, we will be happy to provide you with the form in other formats. To request one, please contact Vania Freitas at [email protected].
Should you have any questions, please contact the AER secretariat – Vania Freitas at [email protected].