Pro Natura is a social enterprise based in Belgium. The core of Pro Natura action is the natural landscape design.
By doing so Pro Natura supports people who have troubles to find a job on the regular labour market. The organisation provides to them tailored trainings and work experience to increase the chances for a new start in their career. Pro Natura is constantly looking for organisations to join the exploration of innovative services and open to new markets to keep going in its mission.
Pro Natura wants to get in touch with player in the social economy, local authorities, knowledge institutions, all around Europe.
The goal is to get in touch with them to build an informal network to participate in European project. Pro Natura is part of several european projects. The more recent is the “RE-DIRECT – REgional Development and Integration of unused biomass wastes as REsources for Circular products and economic Transformation” under the in the Interreg NWE.
Those organisation should be active in one of the following fields:
- Valorisation of biomass waste;
- Natural burial services;
- Natural playground programme for schools;
- Biodiversity programme for industrial areas;
- “Dementia gardens” for retirement homes;
- A façade greening programme in urban areas;
- Every related field connected to the above topics.
If you have good practices to exchange, a project proposal to share or you look for starting a new collaboration don’t hesitate to reply to these partner search.
If you like to reply to this article or ask for additional information, please get in touch with AER Secretariat.