Health is key for everyone and AER is glad to share with its member regions and network an enriching training opportunity linked to inDemand model on the eHealth co-creation.
InDemand is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. It offers digital health solutions, meaning a model where healthcare and companies co-create eHealth solutions, with the economic support of regional funds. It is aimed to increase the capacity of health entities to identify and solve their needs, while creating opportunities for private companies.
Why is this interesting for regions?
Within this project, a inDemand community is to be created and the project partners (Murcia – ES, Paris – FR and Oulu – FI) are looking for 12 regions who are interested to uptake the created and validated co-creational inDemand model for the health sector.
Regions who join the community will have the opportunity to learn how to develop the innovation they need and use public fund. They will receive a free training to learn how to use the inDemand model. Plus accommodation and transport cost are covered.
How to benefit of this training?
To be one of the selected regions, a regional consortium has to be established. This consortium should be composed by the following actors:
- challenger: which can be public entities, health care providers that identify the unmet needs and then co-create the solution with the solvers;
- funder public: fund management organisation,s managing authorities, usually managing Structural Funds at regional level. They launch the competitive call to identify the solvers;
- supporter: business intermediary organisations, clusters that provide assistance to optimise the business model, access to funding and the commercialisation.
The deadline to fill and submit the application form is 31 August 2018.
You can find more information regarding the inDemand community and the application procedures here.
A webinar is taking place on 11 June 2018 to know more about the application form and the inDemand community. For all of you who are interested by this opportunity, we strongly advice you to register to it.
If you are interested by this opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact AER Secretariat.