Many challenges need to be met to grant everybody’s legitimate wish for a long, happy and healthy life. European research and innovation in health helps to tackle these challenges. It is an investment in our health and, on a larger scale, an investment in a healthy workforce, a healthy economy and lower public health bills. The return on this investment will be finding new ways to prevent diseases, developing better diagnostics and more effective therapies, as well as taking up new models of care and new technologies promoting health and wellbeing. New technologies could keep older people active and independent for longer and help European health and care systems to remain sustainable.
European research and innovation in health is about working together across borders, sharing each other’s knowledge and resources and improving our health and care system together. This is the approach we want to foster for AER regions, being health a priority within AER and having a dedicated Committee working on social policy and public health.
Horizon 2020 funding opportunities related to health have being explored within the Health Brokerage event organised by our partner network Errin on 21st June in Brussels. AER attended this interesting event and wishes to share with its members and partners the project opportunities presented on that occasion dealing with silver economy, digitalised services, system digitalisation and patient conditions.
Details on the project ideas are available here.
Background policy on Health and Horizon2020 call for proposals are available here.
If you are interested to join them, please get in contact with AER Secretariat.