Novi Sad, Vojvodina (SRB), 24 April 2007
Meeting in Novi Sad, capital of the region of Vojvodina (Serbia), the member regions of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) signed up to a declaration that commits them to concrete targets in the field of education and regional development.
The Declaration on ‘The Regions’ Role in Education and Regional Innovation’ was prepared and discussed by the AER Committee 3 plenary session in Novi Sad and officially adopted on Friday, 20th April during the AER Conference ‘No Innovation without Education’.
In the Declaration, the AER member regions acknowledge their responsibility for creating an attractive environment for their citizens, and in particular they highlight the need to continuously integrate young people into regional societies. Furthermore, they are convinced that the full integration of young people requires coherent and comprehensive strategies, combining initiatives in a wide number of policy areas.
The Declaration sets up a list of concrete objectives for regions in the following fields:
a) Promotion of citizenship amongst young people in their home regions
b) Facilitating the transition into the job market for young graduates
c) Promotion of entrepreneurship amongst the young during their education
d) The migration of young graduates and its consequences for the regions
e) Preparing the regions and their educational structures for the challenges of today and tomorrow
These objectives, coupled with the regions’ commitments, should provide guidelines for regions aiming to successfully integrate their young people into their societies.
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