During the AER commitee 3 plenary meeting, the region of Nordland (NO) presented their award winning modern art project « Skulpturlandskap », introducing modern art across the whole of the region. With huge distances, a population of only 240.000 and no modern art museum, the inhabitants had to travel long distances to visit or study modern art in museums and galleries. The region has therefore decided in 1992 to bring modern art directly to the people, selecting one piece of art for each of the county’s municipality. Today, 35 art installations can be found in 34 towns with the landscape as a gallery. The goal has been reached : modern art is now available throughout the region for the population to enjoy. The underlying idea of the project is that a work of art creates a place of its own through its very presence in the landscape. The sculpture also visualises its surroundings, thus giving the place a new dimension. The dialogue resulting from the encounter between the sculpture and spectator reveals different ways of understanding and interpreting art.
Nordland (NO): Modern art finds home in dematerialised museum
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