At the AER Spring Committee meetings in London, the region of Värmland (SE) was recognised in the #ShineBright session in recognition of its leading role in Committee 2 on the topic of equal opportunities. Värmland was the first region in Committee 2 to nominate a politician for the role of Committee 2 Representative for Equal Opportunities. It is fair to say they contributed considerably to the vitality of the AER transversal group on Equal Opportunities. Thanks to them, inclusion, the rights of women and very vulnerable migrants and the implementation of human rights at regional level rose high on the agenda of AER, especially via the events they organised both in Timis and in Vienna. Moreover Värmland recently joined the advisory board of a project aimed at helping regions directly affected by the arrivals and relocation of migrants with disabilities to improve their policies and provide better support to these very vulnerable migrants. In short, they’ve proved once again that they were willing to engage in mutual learning and sharing of experiences to make Europe a better place.