The report suggests the use of the IDeal index to improve the lackings of GDP as an indicator of the true progress of a society. This new index takes into account life expectancy, perceived satisfaction over one’s quality of life and socio-economic and environmental parameters. “The enclosed phrase ‘I deal’ also carries the idea of ‘I participate in the sustainable development of my region’. Moreover, the decision to write the word ‘IDeal’ with the twin capitals ‘ID’ also shows a distinct intent to highlight that the identity (ID) of a region is involved”, explains Beat Vonlanthen, State Councillor of Fribourg (CH), in the report.
Regions participating: Lead-Fribourg (CH), Bruxelles-Capitale (BE), Edirne (TR), Alsace (FR), Midi-Pyrénées (FR), Limousin (FR), Etelä-Pohjanmaa (FIN), Wien (AT), Hradec Kralove (CZ), Östergötlands (SE), Uppsala (SE) and Jönköping (SE).